Sacred Music (SM)

Courses and Descriptions

SM 121 Survey of Sacred Music Lit 3 Credits

Broad survey of Christian music. Through standard repertoire, major historical genres of sacred music are explored from biblical roots in the Old and New Testament to the postmodern expressions of our time.

SM 122 Worship and Theology 3 Credits

A study of the content, theology, and history of the Old and New Testament narratives that the church recounts and celebrates in its liturgical year.

SM 142 Intro to Music Ministry 2 Credits

An introduction to the vocational needs, professional relationships, administration styles and teaching roles of the church musician. In addition to an overview of professional standards, emphasis will also be placed on music engraving skills, budgeting, recruitment, endowments and fundraising.

SM 158 Intro Handbell Leadership 1 Credits

A hands-on course providing a strong foundation for the beginning director/ringer. It will include information about ringing instruments, maintenance, ringing and damping techniques, articulations, part assignments, a survey of handbell literature, and rehearsal planning and directing.

SM 250 Contemporary Worship 2 Credits

This course is an exploration of the various forms of worship being practiced in urban churches across America. Practical and skill-based, it is designed to allow the student to explore praise and worship music, different styles of gospel, and other forms of music used in non-traditional worship.

SM 340 Church Field Education 1 Credits

A practical program in which students take responsibility for the music program of an assigned affiliate church. Under supervision, students exercise the skills and concepts learned in the classroom. Enrolled students also meet in a weekly preceptorial. Sacred Music majors must take two consecutive semesters, normally in the junior year.

Prerequisite(s): SM 121, SM 122.

SM 354 Hymnody & Psalmody 3 Credits

A study of the origins and development of Christian song. The first part of the course deals with the nature of the Psalms in their Biblical setting and their use in the worship of different traditions. The second part of the course deals with the history of congregational hymnody - texts, tunes, styles and functions - from the 16th century to the present. The course aims to develop an awareness of the textual and musical treasures available for both congregational and choral use.

SM 360 History of American CM 3 Credits

A broad survey of American church music beginning with colonial psalm-singing and continuing through four centuries of musical development leading up to and including the vast panorama musical practices found in post-modern Christianity. A special emphasis will be placed on the development and influence of African-American church music on contemporary musical practices. Prerequsite(s): SM 121.

SM 365 Sacred Sounds 2 Credits

A study of the origins and development of Christian song. The first section of the course deals with the nature of the psalms and their use in the worship of different traditions. The second section of the course will be a survey of congregational hymnody – texts, tunes, styles and functions – from the 16th century to the present. The course aims to develop a context for the discussion congregational song as it might be practiced in the 21st century, the final part of the class.

SM 410 African Amer Choral Lit 3 Credits

This course is designed to give students a better understanding of the choral literature, historical context and text analysis of African American composers.

SM 454 German Church Music 3 Credits

A study of church choral literature by German composers from the 16th century to the present focusing on the pre-Bach and post-Bach cantata. Class performances of selected works. Complements SM 455. Offered in rotation with other Sacred Music electives.

SM 455 Bach Cantatas 3 Credits

A study of the history, performance practices, and liturgical setting of the cantatas of J.S. Bach. Class performances of selected cantatas. Complements SM 454. Offered in rotation with other Sacred Music electives.

SM 490 Independent Research and Study 1-4 Credits

Students may pursue a special topic for which they have prepared through prior course work. Only one project may be scheduled in a semester. The project may involve 1-4 credit hours. Students may count up to a maximum of 18 independent study hours toward graduation. Approval of the faculty sponsor, department chair, and dean required prior to the first day of the semester in which the project is to be completed. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required.

Prerequisite(s): junior or senior standing.

SM 491 SM Internship 1 Credits

A practical program in which students take responsibility for the music program of a local church or work as an intern in an assigned affiliate church. Under faculty supervision, students exercise the skills and concepts learned in the classroom. Enrolled students also meet in a weekly preceptorial. Sacred music majors must take two consecutive semesters, normally in the junior year.

Prerequisite(s): CR 215.