Arts and Sciences - Arts (AR)

Courses and Descriptions

AR 111 Survey of Art History I 3 Credits

A survey of Western art - architecture, sculpture, painting - from prehistoric times, is presented against the background of chronological and intellectual history.

AR 112 Survey of Art History II 3 Credits

Crucial artistic tendencies in Western art of the 19th and 20th centuries are introduced and discussed against their historical and intellectual setting. A brief background of art history from previous centuries is presented in order to appreciate these developments.

AR 216 Acting I 3 Credits

This course provides an introduction to basic techniques of realistic acting using exercises, improvisation and scene study. The emphasis is on honesty and commitment to action in order to be able to create real life in an imaginary world.

AR 217 Improvisation & Movement 3 Credits

Using theater games, students explore themselves as individuals and members of a group. The course uses scenes, skits, dances and games to help students overcome their fears and insecurities, enabling them to develop their creativity, spontaneity, honesty, concentration, and commitment to action. The class also explores body movement as a means of heightening dramatic expression.