Sport Studies

Sport Studies Minor Requirements

SPT 250Introduction to the Business of Sports3
SPT 450Contemporary Issues in Sport Management3
Select four courses from the list below:12
Sports in American Life
International Business Tour
Sports Communication
Economics of Sports
Sports Entrepreneurship
Gender and Sport
Sports Marketing
Sport Psychology
Business of Global Sport
Sports Analytics
Financial Management in the Sport Industry
Sports and the Law
Sports and the Law
Selected Topics in Sport Management
Sport Management Internship
Total Credits18

Note:  If selecting  SPT 491 and/or CBA 315, the topic must be sports-related.

Courses and Descriptions

AMS 211 Sports in American Life 3 Credits

Literary, sociological, and psychological views of sports in 20th-century American life are examined, focusing on sports as a symbol and reflection of our ideals and tensions.

CBA 315 International Business Tour 3 Credits

Provides students with the opportunity to observe various international business environments outside of the United States. Students should gain a better appreciation of how culture, history, and politics influence organizational dynamics, business functions, and business customs.

Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing and permission of instructor.

COM 347 Sports Communication 3 Credits

Critically examines the symbiotic relationship between the mass media and professional sports franchises and major college athletic programs. This course deals with the workings and processes behind executing the proper techniques of sports information and media relations, as well as an analysis of the culture of sports in modern society. Students will develop a practical focus on sports information and promotion, including the role of the sports information director and events promoter, with emphasis on advanced concepts of public relations, publicity and marketing.

ECO 326 Economics of Sports 3 Credits

The overall objective of this course is to deepen student understanding of microeconomic principles by applying microeconomic concepts to the analysis of professional and amateur sports. This course will utilize concepts from many different microeconomic specialties, (primarily Industrial Organization, Labor Economics and Public Finance). The tools from these different microeconomic fields will be used to explain and analyze the operation of professional sports teams and leagues in the U.S. with an emphasis on baseball, football, basketball and hockey. International comparisons will be made between professional sports in the U.S. and the rest of the world. The course will also analyze the not-for-profit sports sector, focusing on college sports and the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Prerequisite(s): ECO 201.

ENT 210 Sports Entrepreneurship 3 Credits

Sports Entrepreneurship will introduce students to entrepreneurship in the sports industries as they explore opportunities and challenges for new ventures in this sector. Using an industry's business model, students will identify competitive advantages and understand what is required for startup success.

GSS 333 Gender and Sport 3 Credits

Typical thoughts of sport include ticket prices, player salaries, team rosters, and league standings; rarely is it viewed from a gender perspective. This course will go beyond the examination of Title IX to better understand the relationship between masculinity, femininity and sports. This course will examine various aspects of gender and sport, including media and gender representation, race and ethnicity, drugs and violence, men and masculinities, sexualities, policy and politics, the feminist critique of sport, the initiation rites and hazing in college sports, sports wagering, and the internationalization of sport, including but not limited to the Olympics and Paralympics.

MKT 280 Sports Marketing 3 Credits

The course focuses on the unique challenges of marketing sports at a variety of levels: youth, college, professional, and international. The challenges of attracting and retaining fans and participants as well as of building and maintaining strong brand identity are at the heart of the course content. By evaluating case studies and examining current issues in sports marketing, students will gain an understanding of what it means to be a professional marketer of a sports organization and/or event.

Prerequisite(s): MKT 200.

PSY 283 Sport Psychology 3 Credits

This survey course will focus on the social and psychological factors related to performance and participation in sport and exercise, health, and injury rehabilitation settings. Two general questions will be explored: (a) how do social and psychological variables influence performance and participation in physical activity pursuits? And (b) how does physical activity participation affect the psychological well-being of the individual? To better understand these questions, this course will overview theoretical and methodological approaches to a variety of sport and exercise psychology topics, including: socialization, motivation, group processes, competition, and performance enhancement. This course counts towards the fulfillment of the Disciplinary Perspectives element of the CLAS general education curriculum.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131.

SPT 250 Introduction to the Business of Sports 3 Credits

This course is designed to introduce the student to the business of sports. Business principles, such as management, marketing, law, finance and economics will be applied to the business of sports. The course will also explore the various career opportunities in the world of sports.

SPT 320 Business of Global Sport 3 Credits

The course explores the diverse challenges and issues facing the managers of sport enterprises in the context of the global marketplace. Issues of governance, cross-cultural interactions and business activities will be examined as they relate to modern sport at the international level. By evaluating case studies and examining current issues in the field, students will gain an understanding of the relationships and responsibilities associated with being a business professional in the global sport industry.

SPT 322 Sports Analytics 3 Credits

This course will address the theory, development, and application of analytics in sports. Analytics refers to the use of statistical techniques and visualizations to measure performance and make decisions. Students will learn about the application of analytics in sports for purposes of strategy, player performance, team management, sports operations and fantasy competitions. Classwork will consist of readings, lectures, discussions, presentations from guest speakers, and hands-on labs. Students will work on projects related to the use of analytics in the various professional sports leagues and college sports.

Prerequisite(s): CIS 185, MSD 200 or MSD 205, and SPT 250.

SPT 325 Financial Management in the Sport Industry 3 Credits

This course is designed to build upon earlier knowledge from courses in economics, accounting and finance that emphasizes the sports industry and the challenge for financial managers in areas such as stadium/arena financing, financial analysis and valuation. Business models and their financial implications for media and sports related enterprises as well as the business of college athletics will also be covered.

SPT 355 Sports and the Law 3 Credits

Examines the legal, ethical, economic, social and managerial issues related to sports. Topics include liability issues, contracts, employment discrimination, antitrust law, and constitutional law. This course is cross-listed as LAW 355. Students may not get credit for both SPT 355 and LAW 355.

SPT 444 Selected Topics in Sport Management 3 Credits

This course is offered occasionally with topics and prerequisites set by the Business of Sports Program faculty. This course can be used as an elective for the Sport Management major, Sport Studies minor, or as a free elective. This course is graded on a letter grade basis.

Prerequisite: SPT 250.

SPT 450 Contemporary Issues in Sport Management 3 Credits

This course will address the theory, development, and application of analytics in sports. Analytics refers to the use of data and quantitative methods to measure performance and make decisions. Students will learn about the application of analytics in sports for purposes of strategy, player performance, team management, sports operations, and fantasy competitions. The class will consist of lectures, discussions, and guest speakers from the sports industry. Students will work on projects related to the use of analytics in the various professional sports leagues and college sports.

Prerequisite: SPT 250, senior standing, and completion of 15 credit hours in business of sports coursework or permission of instructor.

SPT 491 Sport Management Internship 1-3 Credits

This course provides the student with the opportunity to supplement and apply their classroom work in a supervised employment setting with participating sport-related companies. Requirements include a journal with a log of weekly activities and a paper summarizing their experiences, submitted to the internship supervisor. Evaluation will also include a report by the company on the intern’s performance. Students will receive a letter grade based on their internship performance, as well as their performance on the journal and final reflection submissions. Sports related internships can be used to satisfy an elective requirement for the Sport Management Major, Sport Studies Minor and business or free electives.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.