Event Planning and Production

Event Planning and Production Minor Requirements

(21 Credits)

COM 107Writing for the Media3
COM 240Public Relations3
COM 280Issues in Event Planning3
COM 341Public Relations Writing and Strategy3
MGT 201Fund Management & Org Behavior3
MKT 200Marketing Principles3
MKT 260Service Marketing3
Additional recommended courses:
Business in Action
Communication, Culture and Media
Introduction to Social Media
Digital Publication Design
Introduction to Web Design
Intro to Human Resource Mgmt
Cases & Campaigns in Public Relations
Consumer Behavior
Introduction to Psychology
Total Credits21

Courses and Descriptions

CBA 110 Business in Action 3 Credits

This course will provide students with the opportunity to develop a foundational understanding of the business environment and various business functions. Students will be introduced to core concepts in accounting, e-business, finance, human resource management, information technology, macroeconomics, management, marketing, and production and operations management. In addition, the student will have ample opportunity to improve his/her communication and teamwork skills, as well as further develop problem-solving, analytical, and decision-making abilities through a Business in Action project.

COM 105 Communication, Culture and Media 3 Credits

Provides a detailed investigation and analysis into the nature, history, scope, adequacy, and limitations of mass communication and examines the reciprocal influence of the media on culture and society. This course counts towards the fulfillment of the Disciplinary Perspectives element of the CLAS general education curriculum.

COM 107 Writing for the Media 3 Credits

Introduces students to interviewing and persuasive writing techniques for print and electronic public relations and advertising formats. Teaches techniques for creating effective digital audio-visual aids and working with digital audio and video.

COM 240 Public Relations 3 Credits

Introduces current theories and practices of public relations, with emphasis on facilitating two-way communication with various publics. Explores approaches to public relations problems by critically analyzing case studies and applying theories and techniques to realistic situations.

COM 261 Introduction to Web Design 3 Credits

Introduces students to digital graphics, text, audio and video for Web design using Adobe Creative Suite. Students will learn the basics of audio, video, graphic, and interactive software along with theories of design and perception that underlie effective presentation of digital messages.

COM 280 Issues in Event Planning 3 Credits

Offers students education in event planning, production, and supervision for varied professional applications. Emphasis will be placed on planning, budgeting, and organizing small and large events for educational, institutional, non-profit, and professional groups. Students will participate in the entire process of event planning, with specific experiences in applying communication theory to actual projects.

Prerequisite(s): COM 240 or MKT 200.

COM 341 Public Relations Writing and Strategy 3 Credits

Applies communication theory to writing and editorial processes and production techniques to create public relations materials; includes press releases, industrial publications, social media, trade publications, brochures, newsletters, stockholder reports, and multimedia platforms.

Prerequisite(s): COM 107, COM 240, or permission of instructor.

COM 440 Cases & Campaigns in Public Relations 3 Credits

Critically analyzes public relations case problems in industry, labor, education, government, social welfare, and trade associations. Emphasizes problem solving through the use of communication theories, public relations techniques, creative thinking, and the development of professional goals and standards. Employs realistic simulation exercises and actual case studies to develop and critique students’ ability to demonstrate this knowledge in professional situations.

Prerequisite(s): COM 341 or permission of instructor.

ECO 200 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Credits

A collective view of income receiving and spending sectors of the national economy, including households, businesses, and governments. Issues discussed: What determines the level of output, income, and employment achieved by the economy? What determines the growth of national output and employment? National income accounting, income and employment theory, monetary system, general price level, business cycle, government policies designed to provide for full employment, price stability, and economic growth are also covered.

Prerequisite(s): Place into MSD 105 based on SAT or ACT Score, OR place into MSD 105/MTH 102 by passing College Placement, OR passing MSD 104, OR having transferred in any college level MSD or MTH class.

MGT 201 Fund Management & Org Behavior 3 Credits

This course deals with the fundamentals of organizational behavior as they relate to management such as motivation, communications, and leadership. Behavior is examined at the individual, group, and organizational level. The management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling are addressed. The effects of global operations and the requirements of ethical behavior on managers are also explored.

Prerequisite(s): minimum 30 credits completed.

MGT 310 Intro to Human Resource Mgmt 3 Credits

This course deals with the nature of human resource management, its functions, procedures, and practices currently found in profit, non-profit and public sector organizations. Topics covered include recruiting and selection, t raining, human resource development, equal employment opportunity, performance appraisal, diversity, job analysis, compensation, and employee rights and discipline.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 201 or PSY 210.

MKT 200 Marketing Principles 3 Credits

This course examines market characteristics, consumer buying habits and motives, and functions of marketing within the framework of the strategic marketing planning process. Concepts and current practices in product development, pricing, promotion, distribution, and international marketing are studied.

Prerequisite(s): 15 credits.

MKT 320 Consumer Behavior 3 Credits

The nature and determinants of consumer behavior are studied, with attention given to the influence of socio-psychological factors such as personality, small groups, demographic variables, social class, and culture on the formation of consumer attitudes, consumption patterns, and purchasing behavior.

Prerequisite(s): MKT 200.

MKT 260 Service Marketing 3 Credits

Focuses on the unique challenges of managing services and delivering quality service to customers. Emphasis is placed on the total organization, and how effective marketing and customer focus must be coordinated across multiple functions. The course is applicable to service organizations and to organizations that depend on service excellence for competitive advantage. Topics include customer-focused management, and customer satisfaction, retention, lifetime value and profitability. Students will learn to map services, understand customer expectations, and develop relationship marketing strategies.

Prerequisite(s): MKT 200.

PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology 3 Credits

This course covers major facts, principles and concepts about human and animal behavior and experience, research findings, major problems, basic vocabulary, methodologies, and contributions in the field. Topics include psychology as a science; human development; individual differences; intelligence and its measurement; special aptitudes and interests; personality and social behavior; motivation and emotion; frustration and personality deviations; and learning, thinking, remembering and forgetting.