
Cybersecurity Program Requirements

(57 credits)

Students must select either the Technical Track or the Policy Track.


  • Majors must complete either MTH 105 or MTH 210 to fulfill their mathematics core requirement. 
  • A grade of 'C'  or better is required in all 100-level CSC or CYB courses.
Required Cybersecurity Core Courses:12
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism
IT Fundamentals
Cyber Ethics and Societal Impact
Select either the Technical Track or the Policy Track36
Technical Track:
Complete the following required courses:
Computer Science I
Computer Science II
Data Structures and Algorithms
Discrete Structures
Operating Systems & Cybersecurity
Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
Software Security Engineering
Network Defenses and Countermeasures
Computer Networks
Developing & Deploying Cybersecurity Programs
Cyber Forensics
Cybersecurity Essentials
Elective Courses
Select two of the following Policy courses:6
Homeland Security
Development and Structure of the US Intelligence Community
Criminal Investigation
Cyberspace Law and Policy
Defense Policy and Analysis
Critical Infrastructure
Critical Views of Global Security
Select one of the following Technical courses: 13
Human-Computer Interaction
Analysis of Algorithms
Parallel and Distributed Systems
Policy Track (36 credits)
Complete the following required courses:
Introduction to Forensics
Homeland Security
Development and Structure of the US Intelligence Community
Criminal Investigation
Introduction to Criminal Justice: Police, Courts, Corrections
Civil Liberties in the U.S.
Spies, Double Agents, and Moles: The World of Counterintelligence
Political Behavior: Fear, Risk and Crisis
Terrorism & Counter Terrorism
Countering Domestic Extremism in the United States
Cyberspace Law and Policy
Contemporary Issues in American Public Policy
Defense Policy and Analysis
Policing and Counter Terrorism
Disaster Management and Incident Response
Critical Views of Global Security
Critical Infrastructure
Elective Courses
Select two of the following Technical courses (6 credits): 1
Fundamentals of Computer Science
Computer Science I
Computer Science II
Discrete Structures
Operating Systems & Cybersecurity
Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
Cyber Forensics
Select one of the following Policy courses (3 credits):
Cybersecurity Policy: Hacktivism and Cyberviolence
Cyber Strategy
Electives for either Track
Cybersecurity Independent Study and Research
Internship in Computer Science
Total Credits57

NOTE:  Cybersecurity majors must also complete either MTH 105 or MTH 210 to fulfill their mathematics core requirement. 


Other technical electives are available for Cybersecurity B.S. undergraduates pursuing the 4+1 M.S.:

Cybersecurity Minor Requirements 

(21 credits)

Required Courses12
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism
Cyber Ethics and Societal Impact
IT Fundamentals
Select at least three of the following courses:9
Fundamentals of Computer Science
Computer Science I
Computer Science II
Data Structures and Algorithms
Operating Systems & Cybersecurity
Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
Network Defenses and Countermeasures
Developing & Deploying Cybersecurity Programs
Cyber Forensics
Cybersecurity Essentials
Computer Networks
Computer Forensics
Total Credits21

Academic Plan of Study

The following educational plan is provided as a sample only.  Rider students who do not declare a major during their freshman year; who are in a Continuing Education Program; who change their major; or who transfer to Rider may follow a different plan to ensure a timely graduation.  Each student, with guidance from their academic advisor, will develop a personalized educational plan.

Technical Track

Policy Track

Cybersecurity Technical Track

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Fall SemesterCredits
CYB 105 Introduction to Cybersecurity 3
CSC 110 Computer Science I 3
MTH 105
Algebra and Trigonometry
or Calculus I
CMP 120 Seminar in Writing and Rhetoric 3
HIS 150 Pre-Modern World: Evolution to Revolution 3
 Semester Credit Hours16
Spring Semester
CYB 110 Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism 3
CSC 120 Computer Science II 3
CSC 150 Cyber Ethics and Societal Impact 3
CMP 125 Seminar in Writing and Research 3
HIS 151
World in the Modern Era: Exploration to Globalization
or Contemporary World: Historical Perspectives
or Cold War: A Global History
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 2
Fall Semester
CYB 130 IT Fundamentals 3
CSC 140 Discrete Structures 3
Cybersecurity Policy Elective 3
Social Perspectives Course 3
Aesthetic Perspectives: Literature 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
CYB 200 Operating Systems & Cybersecurity 3
CSC 260 Computer Networks 3
Social Perspectives Course 3
Two Elective Courses 1 6
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 3
Fall Semester
CYB 240 Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing 3
CYB 260 Network Defenses and Countermeasures 3
CSC 130 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
Foreign Language 1 of 2 3
Philosophical Perspectives Course 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
CSC 250 Software Security Engineering 3
CSC 340 Cybersecurity Essentials 3
Cybersecurity Policy Elective 3
Foreign Language 2 of 2 3
Aesthetic Perspectives: Fine Arts 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 4
Fall Semester
CYB 300 Developing & Deploying Cybersecurity Programs 3
Cybersecurity Technical Elective 3
Elective Credits 1 8
 Semester Credit Hours14
Spring Semester
CSC 350 Analysis of Algorithms 3
Four Elective Courses 1 12
 Semester Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours for Graduation120

Please note that elective credits may be used to complete requirements in a second major or a minor.

Cybersecurity Policy Track

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Fall SemesterCredits
CYB 105 Introduction to Cybersecurity 3
CSC 110 Computer Science I 3
MTH 105
Algebra and Trigonometry
or Calculus I
CMP 120 Seminar in Writing and Rhetoric 3
HIS 150 Pre-Modern World: Evolution to Revolution 3
 Semester Credit Hours16
Spring Semester
CYB 110 Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism 3
CSC 150 Cyber Ethics and Societal Impact 3
SOC 150 Introduction to Forensics 3
CMP 125 Seminar in Writing and Research 3
HIS 151
World in the Modern Era: Exploration to Globalization
or Contemporary World: Historical Perspectives
or Cold War: A Global History
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 2
Fall Semester
SOC 119 Introduction to Criminal Justice: Police, Courts, Corrections 3
HLS 203 Homeland Security 3
Cybersecurity Technical Elective 3
Social Perspectives Course 3
Aesthetic Perspectives: Literature 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
HLS 204 Development and Structure of the US Intelligence Community 3
SOC 210 Criminal Investigation 3
Social Perspectives Course 3
Two Elective Courses 1 6
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 3
Fall Semester
POL 301 Civil Liberties in the U.S. 3
HLS 304
Political Behavior: Fear, Risk and Crisis
or Spies, Double Agents, and Moles: The World of Counterintelligence
Foreign Language 1 of 2 3
Philosophical Perspectives Course 3
Elective Course 1 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
HLS 220 Terrorism & Counter Terrorism 3
LAW 310 Cyberspace Law and Policy 3
Cybersecurity Technical Elective 3
Foreign Language 2 0f 2 3
Aesthetic Perspectives: Fine Arts 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 4
Fall Semester
POL 327 Contemporary Issues in American Public Policy 3
Cybersecurity Policy Elective 3
Three Elective Courses 1 9
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
SOC 343 Policing and Counter Terrorism 3
POL 351 Critical Views of Global Security 3
Elective Credits 1 8
 Semester Credit Hours14
 Total Credit Hours for Graduation120

Please note that elective credits may be used to complete requirements in a second major or a minor.

Courses and Descriptions 

CYB 105 Introduction to Cybersecurity 3 Credits

Introduction to Cybersecurity introduces students to this interdisciplinary field by exploring the technology, policies, and processes that enable assured computer operations. Students will be introduced to recent developments in cybercrime such as phishing, ransomware, viruses, and worms. Students will also learn about the policy and legislation regarding privacy, terrorism, hacktivism, and the dark web. Students will also be introduced to programming and networking concepts.

CYB 110 Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism 3 Credits

This course explores the world of cybercrime and cyber terrorism. Students will learn about the social and legal aspects of cybercrime and the technical tools that enable the investigation of these acts. They will discuss and review several definitions and types of cybercrime, and the roles of private sectors and law enforcement in detecting, investigating and preventing these acts.

CYB 130 IT Fundamentals 3 Credits

IT Fundamentals is designed to immerse students in the essentials of computer hardware and software. The IT Fundamentals course provides students with principles of data and technology that frame and define cybersecurity and insight into the importance of cybersecurity and the integral role of cybersecurity professionals. Students will explore foundational cybersecurity principles, security architecture, risk management, attacks, incidents, and emerging IT and IS technologies.

CYB 200 Operating Systems & Cybersecurity 3 Credits

This course focuses on the fundamental properties of three major operating systems (Linux, MacOS, and Windows). The course covers file systems, command line interfaces, and shell scripting. Students will learn how to manage user groups while focusing on security. They will also be introduced to SQL database architecture.

Prerequisite(s): CYB 130.

CYB 240 Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing 3 Credits

This course introduces students to the methods of penetration testing and hacking as method of locating and successfully exploiting computer systems for the purpose of making computer systems more secure. This process includes probing for vulnerabilities as well as providing proof of concept attacks to demonstrate the vulnerabilities are real and generating specific and effective recommendations for addressing and fixing security issues discovered vulnerability assessments and penetration.

Prerequisite(s): (CYB 200 with a minimum grade of D or CSC 240 with a minimum grade of D) and CSC 260 with a minimum grade of D.

CYB 260 Network Defenses and Countermeasures 3 Credits

This course in network defenses and countermeasures prepares students to defend networks against attacks by implementing proactive protection measures and by responding to active and potential threats. It covers multiple techniques for network defense, including firewalls, intrusion-detection systems, VPNs, encryption, and system hardening.

Prerequisite(s): CYB 240.

CYB 300 Developing & Deploying Cybersecurity Programs 3 Credits

In Developing and Deploying Cybersecurity Programs, students will learn how to create cybersecurity policies, standards, guidelines and plans, and the differences between them. Students will learn how threats develop, and how threat actors launch attacks on their targets. The material in this course conforms to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and the ISO/IEC 27000-series standards.

Prerequisite(s): CSC 260 with a minimum grade of D.

CYB 320 Cyber Forensics 3 Credits

This course covers the technical and legal aspects of cyber forensics, including general forensic procedures, electronic discovery, imaging, hashing, file recovery, mismatched file types, and preserving the chain of evidence. Students will perform detailed cyber forensic analyses on compromised system images, using both open-source and court-approved digital forensic software tools to conduct forensic examinations, write analytical reports, and practice mock courtroom presentations.

Prerequisite(s): CYB 200.

CYB 490 Cybersecurity Independent Study and Research 3 Credits

Immerses the student in guided research. The student learns to organize material, use the literature, obtain reproducible data, and synthesize the results of the study. If possible, the student will publish the results or present them at a scientific meeting.

CYB 491 Internship in Cybersecurity 1-4 Credits

A supervised research experience in an approved organization where qualified students gain real-world knowledge and utilize their academic training in a professional environment. Placement may be in private, public, non-profit, or governmental organizations under the guidance of a mentor. The mentor and student will have regular consultation with the departmental internship coordinator to assess the student’s progress. Normally, 40 hours of internship per credit is required. The grade for the course will be determined by the student’s overall performance in their research work, a research paper documenting their work with their internship mentor and an oral or poster presentation at the end of the semester. Available for juniors and seniors.

Prerequisite(s): 2.5 GPA and Permission of Dept. Chair/Program Director.