Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Major Requirements

(42 credits) A minimum of 6 courses at 300-level or higher must be selected.

Category I: Core Courses15
Deviance and Crime 1
Introduction to Criminal Justice: Police, Courts, Corrections 1
Criminal Justice Practice
Criminal Justice Senior Seminar 2
Category II: Research Methods and Applications3
Select one of the following:
Methods of Political Analysis
Methods of Sociological Research 1
Social Work Research Methods
Category III: Criminal Justice Processes And Institutions9
Select three courses from the two areas below with at least one course from each area:
Law Enforcement, Criminal Investigation and Punishment
Introduction to Forensics
Criminal Investigation
Punishment and Corrections
Police and American Society
Policing and Counter Terrorism
Courts and Law
Intro Seminar in Law & Justice
Trial Advocacy
The Rights of the Accused
Philosophy of Law
Politics of Law and Order
Courts, Judges and Politics
Psychology and Law
Law and Lawyers
Category IV: Crime and Social Groups and Issues9
Select three of the following:
Crime & Justice in the Media
Hate Crimes in the United States
Youth and Crime
Drugs, Crime & American Society
Gender and Criminal Justice
White Collar and Corporate Crime
Convict Criminology
Gangs in America
Race and Crime
Category V: Contextualizing Crime and Criminal Justice6
Select two courses from any of the following areas:
Legal Issues
Constitutional History of U.S.
Law, Literature, and Film in America
Women and Law
Cyberspace Law and Policy
U.S. Constitutional Law
Civil Liberties in the U.S.
Philosophical Issues
Political Philosophy
Social Philosophy
Contemporary Ethics
Political Issues
Race and Ethnicity in American Politics
Public Administration
Contemporary Issues in American Public Policy
Urban Politics
Justice in Comparative Context
U.S. Foreign Policy and Security Policy
Critical Views of Global Security
Human Rights in Global Context
Psychological Issues
Psychological Disorders
Drugs and Human Behavior
Social Issues
Racial and Ethnic Relations
Social Problems
Cities And Suburbs
Women in Society
Class and Economic Inequality
Power and Politics
Social Policy
Social Work Policy
Applied Sociology
Internships and Advanced Research 3
Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression
Honors Thesis in Law & Justice
Internship in Law and Justice
Internship in Sociology
Internship in Philosophy
Internship in Political Science
Internship in Psychology
Total Credits42

SOC 101 is waived as a pre-requisite for criminal justice majors ONLY for SOC 119 . SOC 101 is strongly recommended for criminal justice majors.


SOC 460 involves advanced research related to criminal justice and may be taken as an Independent Studies course or an Honors Thesis, if approved by the Law and Justice Director.


Internships must be related to Criminal Justice and approved by the Law and Justice Director.


  • No course may be used to satisfy more than one requirement for the Criminal Justice or Legal Studies major.
  • Students are required to complete a minimum of 5 courses at the 300 or 400 levels in Categories II - V.

Criminal Justice Minor Requirements

(21 Credits)

Category I Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Criminal Justice 19-15
At least three courses from the following areas:
Law and Justice Interdisciplinary Courses
Intro Seminar in Law & Justice
Introduction to Forensics
Law, Literature, and Film in America
Criminal Investigation
Crime & Justice in the Media
Women and Law
Trial Advocacy
Criminal Justice Practice
Conflict & Conflict Resolution
Cyberspace Law and Policy
Sports and the Law
The Rights of the Accused
Selected Topics in Law/Justice
Hate Crimes in the United States
Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression
Internship in Law and Justice
Honors Thesis in Law & Justice
Political Sciences
Politics of Law and Order
Courts, Judges and Politics
Psychology and Law
Introduction to Criminal Justice: Police, Courts, Corrections
Deviance and Crime
Youth and Crime
Drugs, Crime & American Society
Gender and Criminal Justice
White Collar and Corporate Crime
Police and American Society
Policing and Counter Terrorism
Race and Crime
Category II Crime and Justice Related Courses 16
Maximum of two courses from the following:
Interpersonal Communication
Intercultural Communication
Argumentation and Advocacy
Philosophy of Law
Race and Ethnicity in American Politics
U.S. Constitutional Law
Civil Liberties in the U.S.
Public Administration
Urban Politics
Psychological Disorders
Drugs and Human Behavior
Racial and Ethnic Relations
Cities And Suburbs
Law and Lawyers
Punishment and Corrections
Power and Politics
Social Policy
Category III Theory/Application3
One course from the following:
Criminal Justice Practice
Trial Advocacy
Conflict & Conflict Resolution
Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression 2
Internship in Law and Justice 2
Honors Thesis in Law & Justice 2
Category IV3
Law & Justice Senior Seminar
Total Credits21

Students may take up to six additional credits from Category I instead of taking the courses listed under Category II.


These courses may count toward Category II only with permission of the program director.


  • No more than three courses from the same department may be counted toward the minor. There is no limit on 'LAW' courses.

The following educational plan is provided as a sample only.  Rider students who do not declare a major during their freshman year; who are in a Continuing Education Program; who change their major; or who transfer to Rider may follow a different plan to ensure a timely graduation.  Each student, with guidance from their academic advisor, will develop a personalized educational plan.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Fall SemesterCredits
CMP 120 Seminar in Writing and Rhetoric 3
SOC 101 Sociological Imagination 3
PHL 115 Ethics 3
HIS 150 Pre-Modern World: Evolution to Revolution 3
Foreign Language 1 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
SOC 119 Introduction to Criminal Justice: Police, Courts, Corrections 3
CMP 125 Seminar in Writing and Research 3
HIS 151
World in the Modern Era: Exploration to Globalization
or Contemporary World: Historical Perspectives
or Cold War: A Global History
MTH 102 Finite Mathematics 3
Foreign Language 1 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 2
Fall Semester
SOC 206 Deviance and Crime 3
Category III Course 3
Aesthetic Perspectives: Literature 3
Social Perspectives 3
Scientific Perspectives 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
Category III Course 3
Category IV Course 3
Aesthetic Perspectives: Literature 3
Scientific Perspectives 3
Elective Course 2 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 3
Fall Semester
Category II Course 3
Category III Course 3
Category IV Course 3
Two Elective Courses 6
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
Category IV Course 3
SOC 307 Criminal Justice Practice 3
Three Elective Courses 9
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 4
Fall Semester
Category IV Course 3
Category V Course 3
Three Elective Courses 9
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
SOC 460 Criminal Justice Senior Seminar 3
Four Elective Courses 12
 Semester Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours for Graduation120


  1. For course placement information see
  2. Please note that elective credits may be used to complete requirements in a second major or minor.
  3. Philosophy core included in major.

Courses and Descriptions

HIS 301 Constitutional History of U.S. 3 Credits

Surveys the English, Colonial, and Confederation backgrounds of American law and constitutionalism; the framing, adoption, and implementation of the Federal Constitution and its later development; the role of law in the nation’s history; the changing interpretations of federalism; the growth of judicial review; and the increasing role of the Supreme Court.

LAW 140 Intro Seminar in Law & Justice 3 Credits

Introduces students to the interdisciplinary study of law and justice. The seminar is designed to enable students to think critically about legal issues, address legal problems from various viewpoints, and apply different types of theories of justice to analyze laws and legal institutions. Students will learn to examine law and legal issues from a variety of perspectives and approaches: anthropological, historical, literary, philosophical, political, psychological, and sociological. Open to freshmen and sophomores only.

LAW 305 Trial Advocacy 3 Credits

Students will apply fundamental legal concepts and rules of evidence to specific cases. By engaging in trial simulations, students will evaluate various forms of evidence, identify legal principles and evidentiary rules that impact a criminal trial, learn about trial procedures, pursuit of case theories, and witness, exhibit and jury selection.

LAW 310 Cyberspace Law and Policy 3 Credits

Explores the legal and policy concerns raised by the Internet, nationally and globally. The course considers issues of legal regulation of the Internet, and consider the debate about whether cyberspace can or should be regulated. Attention will be given to the applicability of principles of law and models of regulation. Topics addressed will include jurisdiction, freedom of expression, intellectual property, privacy protection, safety concerns, equal access, electronic commerce, and computer crime.

LAW 490 Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression 1-4 Credits

Independent Research and Study allows juniors and seniors in good academic standing to investigate topics of interest under faculty supervision. Projects must be approved by the faculty member, department chairperson, and academic dean no later than the third week of the semester in which the project is to be conducted. Only one project can be scheduled in a semester, and for no more than four semester hours; up to 12 semester hours of independent research and study may be counted toward graduation. Note that individual departments may have additional restrictions.

LAW 491 Internship in Law and Justice 1-4 Credits

Provides supervised work experience in an institution, office, or agency related to law or law enforcement, such as courts, prosecutor/defense attorney offices, private law offices, state agencies, and local police departments. Students are expected to apply and broaden the knowledge obtained from law and justice minor courses to their fieldwork experience.

Prerequisite(s): 2.75 GPA and permission of the Director of the Law and Justice program.

LAW 496 Honors Thesis in Law & Justice 3-6 Credits

Entails substantial research and writing on a topic selected by the student. Proposals must be reviewed and approved by the law and justice program committee. Proposals must be submitted at least four weeks prior to course registration.

Prerequisite(s): Seniors in the minor with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 and a 3.25 GPA in law and justice minor courses.

PHL 115 Ethics 3 Credits

A combined historical and systematic analysis of the problems of ethics. Such problems as the nature and meaning of moral values and judgments, moral responsibility and freedom, conscience and happiness, the good life, and the relativity of value, are explored through the writings of such philosophers as Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Kant, Mill, and Nietzsche. This course counts towards the fulfillment of the Disciplinary Perspectives element of the CLAS general education curriculum.

PHL 130 Political Philosophy 3 Credits

An introduction to the problems of political philosophy with an emphasis on recent and contemporary issues, such as the conflict between liberal and conservative ideologies, fascism, revolution, civil disobedience, and the concept of legitimate political authority. This course counts towards the fulfillment of the Disciplinary Perspectives element of the CLAS general education curriculum.

PHL 202 Social Philosophy 3 Credits

Emphasizes social ethics through critical studies of such contemporary problems as abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty, pornography and censorship, animal rights, drug use, sexual morality, environmental ethics, and world hunger. This course counts towards the fulfillment of the Disciplinary Perspectives element of the CLAS general education curriculum.

PHL 303 Philosophy of Law 3 Credits

An examination and analysis of selected topics including classical and contemporary theories in the philosophy of law and moral philosophy. Such topics as the nature of the law and legal reasoning, the legal enforcement of morality, protection of personal liberty, and the moral justification of punishment are considered. Such philosophers as Aquinas, Austin, Holmes, Bentham, Hart, and Dworkin are read and discussed.

PHL 360 Contemporary Ethics 3 Credits

An examination of recent and contemporary challenges to traditional ethical theory including such movements as logical positivism, cultural relativism, feminism, environmentalism, multiculturalism, and postmodernism. Such problems as the meaning and cognitive status of value judgments, the relation between fact and value, the relativity of values, and how value judgments can be justified are considered.

Prerequisite(s): CMP 125 or CMP 203 or BHP 150.

PHL 491 Internship in Philosophy 1-4 Credits

Students will work under supervision within an area hospital, corporation, or legal agency. The specific duties and tasks will be developed jointly by the intern, intern agency, and faculty supervisor. Within the hospital setting, students will work with the Hospital Medical Ethics Committee. Within the corporate setting, there will be two types of internships: students will work in the corporate office responsible for addressing the ethical issues that arise in the business environment; or students will work in a department that allows them to explore the potential business applications of their philosophic intellectual training. Within the legal setting, students will work with the federal magistrate, prosecutor, or public defender, exploring issues in the philosophy of law that arise in the practice of law. Students must have completed four philosophy courses, one at the 300 level, before applying for the internship. No more than six credits will be allowed toward graduation. A member of the department of philosophy will supervise the internship.

Prerequisite(s): juniors and seniors with a minimum of 2.7 cumulative GPA and 3.0 GPA in philosophy, or permission of the department of philosophy.

POL 230 Methods of Political Analysis 3 Credits

An overview of the various qualitative and quantitative methods that political scientists use to study their discipline. Themes include analyses of political participation and support, methods of studying elections, measures of political tolerance and liberalism.

POL 235 Race and Ethnicity in American Politics 3 Credits

Examines the changing political, economic, and social situation of racial and ethnic groups in American politics since the 1950s. Topics include the relationship between race/ethnicity and voting behavior, political parties, and election results. Includes an analysis of specific areas of contemporary racial and ethnic conflict, such as voting rights, immigration, and affirmative action.

POL 260 Politics of Law and Order 3 Credits

The constitutional, legal, political, and administrative aspects of the criminal justice system in the United States are studied, including the court system at all levels of government, law enforcement agencies, correctional programs and institutions, probation, parole, and the relationship of our legal institutions to the broader political system.

POL 300 U.S. Constitutional Law 3 Credits

The role of the Supreme Court in the American political system is assessed. Topics include the staffing and functioning of the Supreme Court and the federal judicial bureaucracy, the origins and development of judicial review, and the role of the Supreme Court in national policy-making. Note: This course is cross-listed as HLS 300. Students may not get credit for both HLS 300 and POL 300.

POL 361 Courts, Judges and Politics 3 Credits

In-depth examination of the nature of judicial decision-making and the impact that judicial decisions have on society. Considers the sources of judicial authority, judicial fact-finding, statutory and constitutional interpretation, individual and collective processes of judicial decision-making, relations between judges and other government officials, and the political consequences of judicial decisions with particular emphasis on federal courts and judges. Note: This course is cross-listed as HLS 361. Students may not get credit for both POL 361 and HLS 361.

POL 301 Civil Liberties in the U.S. 3 Credits

The American doctrine of civil liberties in theory and practice. Emphasis on analyzing the freedoms of speech, press, assembly, and religion, the right of privacy, and the problem of discrimination in the context of contemporary issues and problems. Particular attention to the role of the Supreme Court in this area. Note: This course is cross-listed as HLS 301. Students may not get credit for both HLS 301 and POL 301.

POL 325 Public Administration 3 Credits

Public administration in modern society, emphasizing the administrative formulation of public policy and its implementation. Attention on who gets what, when, and how from the decisions of administrative units; the role administrators have in policy-making compared to elected legislators, chief executives and judges; the effect administrators have on the benefits citizens receive from government; and the effect administrators have on citizens’ behavior. Note: This course is cross-listed as HLS 325. Students may not get credit for both HLS 325 and POL 325.

POL 327 Contemporary Issues in American Public Policy 3 Credits

An in-depth examination of current issues in American politics. Drunk driving, political corruption, drug policy, education, and poverty are among the issues to be considered. Emphasis on analyzing policy problems and on developing and evaluating proposed solutions.

POL 335 Urban Politics 3 Credits

Political structure and administration of municipalities in the United States. Emphasis on challenges posed by suburbanization, global and regional shifts in business, economic dislocation, housing, mass transportation, race relations, and policing.

POL 345 Justice in Comparative Context 3 Credits

This course will compare conceptions of justice across a wide range of traditions in time and space. We will begin in ancient Greece with Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, whose thought left an indelible mark on early Christian thinkers like St. Augustine and Aquinas. Indeed, modern philosophy has been famously characterized as a series of footnotes to Plato. But we shall see that this is a rather narrow reading of political philosophy, as there are myriad other ways of thinking about justice that begin with entirely different premises and take us in entirely different directions in terms of thinking about how the individual relates to the collective, what governments owe their people, and what citizens and subjects owe their state. This class will explore a number of these alternatives, including the Confucian account of virtue, the African concept of ubuntu ("I am because we are") and Native American concepts of justice and forgiveness. This comparison will also allow us to consider the relationship between medium and message, as we encounter ideas and values expressed in a range of mediums including analytical texts, manifestos, aphorisms, dramas, dialogues, myths and storytelling. In the service of this, the course is likely to include at least one historical simulation. The course will conclude by looking at responses to the Western injustice of colonialism, including Frantz Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth.

POL 350 U.S. Foreign Policy and Security Policy 3 Credits

Principles, institutions, and processes involved in the formulation and implementation of policies regarding the nation’s military, economic, and environmental security within the global framework. Strands, trends, and problem areas in U.S. foreign policy, with focus on the changing global environment of the post-Cold World War. Note: This course is cross-listed as HLS 350. Students may get credit for only one.

POL 351 Critical Views of Global Security 3 Credits

This course will examine the foundations of international security. It will examine the concept of security from both the macro and micro level. We will discuss a mix of security strategies (balance of power, alliances, rearmament, collective security, deterrence), theoretical perspective on security (Neorealism, Neoliberalism, Critical Theory, Copenhagen School), great power and third world security, democratic and non-democratic security, classic threats (changes in relative power, proliferation) and new threats (environment, population movements, terrorism), and concepts of security ranging from state survial, to societal security, to unit level-variables such as Human Security. Note: This course is cross-listed as HLS 351. Students may not get credit for both HLS 351 and POL 351.

POL 363 Human Rights in Global Context 3 Credits

Human rights – droits de l’homme, derechos humanos, Menschenrechte, “the rights of man” – are, literally, the rights that one has because one is human. What does it mean to have a right? How are being human and having rights related? This course provides an introduction to theory and global practice of human rights. Human rights claims play an increasingly central role in political and social struggles across the world. The adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 signaled a proliferation of international human rights law and transnational non-governmental activism. While the promotion of human rights has become global, adherence to those standards remains highly uneven and gross violations and atrocities continue to occur. Given the breath and complexity of the human rights movement, including its engagement with law, politics and morals, in radically different cultures, this course is by its very nature multidisciplinary. Note: This course is cross-listed as HLS 363. Students may not get credit for both HLS 363 and POL 363.

POL 491 Internship in Political Science 1-4 Credits

Students work under supervision in a public agency, political party, or public interest group. A minimum of 52 hours of fieldwork per credit required, with regular reports and a concluding critique analyzing and evaluating the experience. Primarily for seniors and qualified juniors. No more than six credits allowed toward graduation.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.

PSY 220 Psychological Disorders 3 Credits

This course covers the major forms of psychological disorders from childhood to adulthood. Topics include the etiology of disorders from biological, social, behavioral, cognitive, and cultural perspectives, as well as diagnostic and treatment considerations.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131.

PSY 379 Psychology and Law 3 Credits

Introduces students to a study of selected topics in psychology and law. Topics include eyewitness testimony, jury selection, and decision-making.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 45 credits.

PSY 365 Drugs and Human Behavior 3 Credits

Presents the student with an in-depth analysis of the effects of alcohol and selected chemical substances on the behavior and body of the user. Commonly abused substances will be discussed in terms of their history, sources of production, routes of administration, distribution, metabolism and excretion, neurophysiology, tolerance, properties of addiction, withdrawal course and symptoms, and potential beneficial and harmful effects.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 45 credits.

PSY 491 Internship in Psychology 1-4 Credits

Provides supervised work experience in an approved institution or agency in order for students to gain knowledge in applications of psychology. Placement is made in various community institutions and agencies that offer services to both exceptional and normal individuals.

Prerequisite(s): senior psychology majors or minors.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 75 credits.

SOC 150 Introduction to Forensics 3 Credits

Introduces students to principles of forensic science. Whether the issue is establishing paternity or cause of death, determining arson or liability, or deciding criminal guilt or innocence, collecting and evaluating forensic material is typically involved. Students will learn the meaning and significance of scientific evidence and its role in criminal investigations and civil and criminal trials. Students will learn how forensic scientists work, define a problem, collect data, and analyze results. Case studies, crime simulations and examination of criminal evidence will highlight the application of scientific principles.

SOC 204 Law, Literature, and Film in America 3 Credits

Focuses in an interdisciplinary manner on law and justice as represented in American literature and films. It analyzes novels, short stories, and selected non-fiction texts from the perspectives of literary criticism, social history, and cultural and American studies.

SOC 205 Families 3 Credits

Examines families in the United States, past and present, emphasizing the variety of family experiences in different social contexts and the relationship between family life and social change. Includes comparative material on families in other countries and considers possible alternatives to current family forms.

SOC 206 Deviance and Crime 3 Credits

Considers deviant behavior as violation of social norms. Examines the concepts of deviance and crime in socio-historical context. Evaluates major theories advanced to explain deviance. Surveys different types of deviance, including conventional crime, non-criminal deviant behavior, and white-collar corporate, and government crime.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 207 Racial and Ethnic Relations 3 Credits

Examines the social origins of prejudice and discrimination, and analyzes intergroup trends in conflict, competition, and cooperation. Considers issues of immigration, economic and political power, and ethnic, racial, and religious pluralism.

SOC 216 Youth and Crime 3 Credits

In-depth examination of the nature and extent of youth criminality in the U.S. Explores changes in youth culture and theories of delinquency. Social policies are related to youth criminality and the youth justice system is considered.

SOC 119 Introduction to Criminal Justice: Police, Courts, Corrections 3 Credits

This course introduces students to the sociological study of the criminal justice system. It examines the cultural and social foundations of this system, and review debates about problems with the criminal justice system and proposals to change it. Topics covered include nature of the crime problem, requirements of criminal law, policing, the role of the courts and legal professionals, sentencing, incarceration and alternatives to it.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 245 Social Problems 3 Credits

American social, economic, and political institutions and their interrelationships are analyzed, with an emphasis on the causes, directions, and consequences of social change in American society.

SOC 246 Drugs, Crime & American Society 3 Credits

Explores the nature and extent of drug use in the U.S., how drugs are legally defined and socially constructed, and considers how and why drug policies have developed and changed historically. Considers how the criminalization of drugs has impacted policing strategies, courts, probation programs, sentencing and corrections, as well as other social institutions. Examines the role of local and federal agencies in enforcing drug laws, and considers debates about directions for legal reforms.

SOC 301 Methods of Sociological Research 3 Credits

One of the required courses in both the Sociology and Criminal Justice majors, Methods of Sociological Research introduces students to basic research processes in the social sciences. The course introduces students to both quantitative and qualitative approaches and data analysis using both original and secondary sources. Students will also complete an original research paper in this course.

Prerequisites: SOC 101 or SOW 250.

SOC 302 Crime & Justice in the Media 3 Credits

This course focuses on the impact of media on Americans’ perceptions and understanding of the extent and causes of crime, and the effectiveness and purposes of crime policy. It examines how criminals, types of crime, crime policies and the criminal justice system are portrayed in various media outlets, including film, tv, newspaper, and electronic/internet. It explores the historical and contemporary relationships between media representations of criminal behavior, crime as a social problem, and the nature of the criminal justice system and contrasts these to their social realities.

SOC 304 Women and Law 3 Credits

Explores the social, economic, political and cultural context of laws relating to women and gender, such as workplace discrimination, divorce and child custody and reproductive rights. It examines how such laws have changed historically and the impact such laws have had on women as well as on men and on American social institutions, such as the family, politics, and the workplace. The course also examines women in the legal profession and their impact on the practice of law and legal reasoning.

SOC 307 Criminal Justice Practice 3 Credits

This course will consider the ways criminal justice agencies and occupations are shaped by social, economic, political, technological and legal changes. Through case studies and projects students will examine the work, culture, and work settings of various criminal justice practitioners, assess the impact of social policies on criminal justice careers, and identify new directions in the field. Students will develop the reading and writing skills needed by an array of criminal justice practitioners.

SOC 308 Cities And Suburbs 3 Credits

Examines the growth of an urban way of life under the influence of industrialism. Study of community, political, and economic institutions in cities. Comparisons between urban and suburban areas.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 312 Women in Society 3 Credits

Examines changes in women’s roles and in male-female relationships. Focuses on impact of law, economy and social movements in shaping women’s positions as wives and as workers. Explores theories and evidence concerning the nature and extent of sex differences. Attention to women’s socialization through language, schools and media.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 313 Gender and Criminal Justice 3 Credits

This course will examine women’s experiences with the criminal justice system as offenders, victims, prisoners, and practitioners. It will consider how gender has shaped theories of crime and criminological research. It will explore how cultural constructions of gender have influenced substantive and procedural criminal law, the ways criminal justice agencies respond to crime, and how these have changed historically. Attention will be given to the development of new approaches, reforms, and challenges.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 317 Law and Lawyers 3 Credits

Relationships between law, the economy, and the state are explored. Discussion of laws, legal systems and legal reasoning using cross-cultural comparisons and historical analysis of these in the United States. Particular attention given to impact of law on corporations, workers, women, and minorities. Changes in legal profession and legal education are examined.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 321 White Collar and Corporate Crime 3 Credits

This course will identify, explore, and study the unique criminological characteristics of the crime subtypes white collar crime and corporate crime. In addition to developing a formal definition of white collar crime and corporate crime, students will study: (a) the nature of the criminal act and the criminal actor(s); (b) the extent or scope of the white collar/corporate crime problem; (c) the factors that contribute to the crime decision, and (d) the various prevention and mitigation strategies used to address the white collar crime/corporate crime problem. Students will learn to evaluate historical cases of white collar crime/corporate crime and apply criminological theory to actual cases.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 322 Punishment and Corrections 3 Credits

This course explores the nature, forms, rationales, and effectiveness of punishment as a form of crime control. It traces the development of corrections in the U.S., identifies cultural trends and developments in penology, including mass incarceration and supermax prisons, considers the ways race and class have shaped these, and the reverberating effects penal policies have had on American culture and society beyond the criminal justice system. It examines the role of laws, politics, crime control agencies, as well as of media, and corporations in shaping penal policies. Topics also include: prison subcultures, inmate rights, correctional practices, privatization of prisons, and alternatives to punitive policies of incarceration and capital punishment.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 330 Class and Economic Inequality 3 Credits

Social, economic, and political aspects of the division of society into classes are considered. Theories of stratification and the distribution of wealth, power, and prestige in societies past and present are examined.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 342 Police and American Society 3 Credits

This course examines important issues regarding police in American society, such as the paradoxes inherent in police work, police organization and strategies and their effectiveness, the dilemmas of supervising police work, police unionism, the nature and implications of police occupational subculture, the use of police discretion, forms of police misconduct and accountability, professionalization of police and the trend toward police privatization. It also considers the diversity of the police force, trends in the delivery of policing services, the impact of new technologies on policing, and the challenges of policing in a multicultural society.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 343 Policing and Counter Terrorism 3 Credits

This course is designed as an upper level (undergraduate/graduate) combination lecture and discussion section on the foundations of international security. It will examine the concept of security from both the macro and micro level. We will discuss a mix of security strategies (balance of power, alliances, rearmament, collective security, deterrence), theoretical perspectives on security (Neorealism, Neoliberalism, Critical Theory, Copenhagen School), great power and third world security, democratic and non-democratic security, classic threats (changes in relative power, proliferation) and new threats (environment, population movements, terrorism), and concepts of security ranging from state survival, to societal security, to unit level-variables such as Human Security.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 345 Race and Crime 3 Credits

Examines the impact of crime policy on minority communities in the United States, with particular attention to the impact of “The War on Drugs”, three-strike laws, and mandatory sentencing on minorities and minority communities. Drawing on sociological research, the course explores myths and realities concerning the relationship between race and crime. The relationship between racial attitudes, historical race relations, and mass incarceration are discussed.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 350 Social Policy 3 Credits

Investigates the relationship between economic development and social policy in comparative and historical context. The main features of preindustrial, early industrial, and advanced industrial social welfare systems are described. Social, economic and political factors that shape social policy are investigated.

Prerequisites: SOC 101 or SOW 250.

SOC 340 Power and Politics 3 Credits

Examines the nature and distribution of power in contemporary societies; analyzes the relationships between power and politics.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 365 Selected Top: Social Movements 3 Credits

FALL 2012 - This course examines movements that seek change in the social, cultural and political structures of society. The social, economic and political contexts of these movements are treated as well as their origins, tactics, organization, recruitment, and successes and failures. Case studies focus on movements in the areas of labor, civil rights, feminism, the environment, "right wing politics", and neighborhood activism. In today’s world, social movements abound. Movements such as the Tea Party and the Occupy movements demonstrate that they can take place across the political spectrum of society. Moreover, the interconnectedness of the world economy creates social movements throughout the world, whether in Asia, the Mid-East or Europe that have direct affects on the United States. Because the coverage of these movements are given considerable media exposure, students (and the public) tend to accept the interpretations of these movements as presented in the narratives of the media coverage. This class will provide a systematic academic treatment of social movements. Because social movements target structural and cultural institutions in society, the study of these movements will not only provide an understanding of these movements, but of larger social problems in society as well.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 396 Applied Sociology 3 Credits

Shows how sociology can be applied in work settings. As participant observers in organizations related to their career objectives, students learn to apply sociological knowledge, perspectives, and skills. In class meetings and individual consultations with the instructor, students examine the applied dimensions of sociology, the uses of sociology in various occupations, the ethical issues involved in applied sociology, and the culture and structure of their work organization.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 401 Sex and the Body in Society 3 Credits

Examines cultural meanings and social practices associated with sex and the body. Contemporary cultural norms and practices in the U.S. will be compared to other societies, historically and cross-culturally. Variations in sexual practices, ideals of sexual attractiveness according to age, gender, race, ethnicity, class and sexual orientation also will be discussed. Topics may include beauty industries (e.g. cosmetics, diet, fashion, surgery, drugs), sex and the workplace, the impact of media, social policy, and technology on ideals of sexual attractiveness, birth control, and sexual violence.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 460 Criminal Justice Senior Seminar 3 Credits

Draws on and develops students' knowledge and understanding of crime, criminal law and criminal justice institutions, and applies these to a specific topic, method, institution, or controversy. Topics vary. Students will be expected to contribute to seminar discussions and to complete research projects related to the seminar theme. Required for senior criminal justice majors; open to others only by permission of the chair.