Allied Health Studies

Allied Health Studies Major Requirements

(30 Credits)

Core requirement 3
Select one of the following:
Introduction to Health Care
Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments 1
Category I Courses:6
The Pharmaceutical Industry 1
Economics of Health Care System
Category II Courses (select seven of the following):21
Life Science
The Pharmaceutical Industry 1
Life Science: Brain and Behavior
Behavioral Neuroscience
Chemistry & Society
Health Management Internship
The Science of Mental Illness
Clinical Psychology and Mental Health
Drugs and Human Behavior
Death, Dying and Suicide
Any Nursing (NUR) courses with permission of an advisor. 1
Total Credits30

 This course may only be used to fulfill the requirements of a single category.

Courses and Descriptions

BIO 100 Life Science 3 Credits

An introductory course for non-science majors in which students develop an understanding of the nature of science and are introduced to foundational topics in the biological life sciences and how they relate to human affairs. The course may emphasize human evolution, genetics, aging, disease, reproduction, bioethics or other topics in biology. This course counts towards the fulfillment of the Disciplinary Perspectives element of the CAS general education curriculum.

BIO 110 Life Science: Inquiry Approach 4 Credits

An introductory course for non-science majors in which students develop an understanding of biological evolution, the molecular basis of heredity, the cell, matter, energy and organization in living systems, and the interdependence of organisms. In addition, students will develop an understanding of science as a human endeavor, the nature of scientific knowledge, and historical perspectives. Through investigative activities, students will develop an understanding about scientific inquiry and develop abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry. Three hours of lecture and one three-hour lab per week.

Corequisite(s): BIO 110L.

BIO 110L Life Science: Inquiry Approach Lab 0 Credits

This lab is a co-requisite and must be taken with the corresponding course.

Corequisite(s): BIO 110.

BIO 115 Principles of Biology I 4 Credits

An introductory biology course focusing on major themes of biology: what is life?; Cells as fundamental structure and functional unit of life; information transmission, storage and retrieval; Diversity and unity of life explained by evolution. Three hours of lecture and one three- hour lab per week.

Corequisite(s): BIO 115L.

BIO 115L Principles of Biology I Lab 0 Credits

This lab is a co-requisite and must be taken with the corresponding course.

Corequisite(s): BIO 115.

BIO 206 The Pharmaceutical Industry 3 Credits

An introduction to drug discovery and development. Topics include how drugs are used to diagnose, cure, treat, and prevent disease and how drugs affect body function. The origins of diseases and the early attempts at treatment are also covered. Designed for business majors; does not satisfy requirements for the biology major.

Prerequisite(s): any BIO1XX or BNS1XX or CHE 1XX.

BIO 221 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 Credits

A comprehensive survey of the structure and function of musculo-skeletal systems, neuroendocrine systems and related tissues and cellular interactions. Physiological applications include homeostasis, muscle dynamics, and cell activities. Laboratory exercises complement lecture material through the use of animal dissections, wet labs, computer-assisted investigations, microscopy, and models. Exams, case histories, personal investigations, and lab practicums assess learning. Course emphasis supports allied health and pre-professional training. Three hours of lecture and one three-hour lab per week. Designed for allied health students; does not satisfy requirements for the biology major. Prerequisite(s): HSC major ONLY or Permission of instructor.

Corequisite(s): BIO 221L.

BNS 107 Life Science: Brain and Behavior 3 Credits

An introduction to the biology of the human brain and the rest of the human nervous system. Topics in neuroscience are covered in molecular, cellular, and systematic terms. Additional material is presented on the origins and effects of neurological and psychiatric diseases. This course counts towards the fulfillment of the Disciplinary Perspectives element of the CLAS general education curriculum.

BNS 275 Behavioral Neuroscience 4 Credits

An introductory behavioral neuroscience course including basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of movement, ingestive, reproductive, emotional, and learning behaviors. Emphasis is on the structure/function relationships that allow animals to make appropriate physiological and behavioral responses to the environment. Three hours of lecture and one three-hour lab per week.

Prerequisite(s): BIO 115 and BIO 116.

BNS 275L Behavioral Neuroscience Lab 0 Credits

This lab is a co-requisite and must be taken with the corresponding course.

Prerequisite(s): BIO 115 and BIO 116.

CHE 115 Chemistry & Society 3 Credits

Designed to give the nonscientist an appreciation of the role of chemistry in today’s world. The approach is conceptual rather than mathematical. Topics include basic principles of chemical theory, energy sources, elementary organic chemistry, drugs, food additives, polymers, chemistry of living systems, inorganic solids in modern technology, and problems involving pollution of the environment. Three hours of lecture per week. This course satisfies the core requirements for education and business majors.

COM 254 Intro to Health Communication 3 Credits

Health communication has been shown to have a positive impact on a number of facets of the medical visit, including patient outcomes, patient satisfaction, and job performance and satisfaction. This course will provide students with tools to implement health communication practices in a healthcare setting in order to improve these areas. In addition, health communication is particularly useful in cross-cultural situations, both in regard to the patient-provider relationship, when the ethnicities of the two parties may be different, and when cultural beliefs may impact a patient’s medical wishes. Part of the tools for implementing health communication into the practice setting includes an understanding of the role that culture can play in healthcare and the development of strategies to provide optimal medical care while also respecting cultural intricacies.

GLS 325 Global Perspectives on Health and Illness 3 Credits

Explores the different international perspectives on health and illness. Themes include how men, women, and children in respective civilizations are treated and viewed within their communities or nations, as they become ill. Particular attention is given to the contrast between various types of traditional healing and Western medical practices, and their interactions. Discussions will also compare the usefulness of national versus international health agencies in dealing with global health problems.

HTH 205 Introduction to Health Care 3 Credits

This course is an introduction to the components of the health care industry in the United States and to the interactions of these components in producing and supplying health care. We examine the nature of health, and the various institutions and personnel which seek to provide health services; we explore the means by which we pay for these services; we assess the relationship of technology to provision of health care services; we study the various ways that our government interacts with the providers of health care services; we investigate the ethical implications of issues in health care; and we explore health care sectors from an international perspective.

HTH 215 Population Health Care Management 3 Credits

In this course, we study how disease is distributed in populations and of the factors that influence or determine this distribution. This course introduces the basic methods and tools epidemiologists use to study the origin and control of non-communicable and communicable diseases so that policies and mechanisms to enhance the health of populations can be developed.

Prerequisite(s): MSD 205 or MTH 120 or ENV 200 or PSY 201 or BNS 250.

HTH 315 Health Care Law, Ethics and Policy 3 Credits

This course analyzes the role of the law in promoting the quality of health care, organizing the delivery of health care, assuring adequate access to health care, and protecting the rights of those who are provided care within the health care system. It will also examine the public policy, economic, and ethical issues raised by the health care system. Students will not receive credit for completing both HTH 315 and BUS 315.

HTH 336 Economics of Health Care System 3 Credits

This course presents ways in which economic analysis can be used to explain issues in the health care industry. Microeconomics tools will be used to describe the behavior of consumers, producers, and third parties of the health care sector. The course also investigates the role of government in regulating the health care sector, and in providing services to the poor and elderly. Finally, we will use this foundation to examine some recent changes in this industry, and to analyze the most recent proposals for further changes.

HTH 491 Health Management Internship 3 Credits

This course provides students minoring in health administration an opportunity to supplement and apply their classroom work in a supervised employment setting with participating firms in the health care sector. Requirements include: a log of daily activities, oral and written reports to the faculty supervisor and a term paper. In addition, the employer will also submit an evaluation of the student’s performance.

Prerequisite(s): HTH 205; junior or senior standing; and permission of faculty supervisor.

MKT 380 Health Care Marketing 3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the role, functions and tasks of healthcare marketing. Attention is devoted to applying basic marketing principles to the healthcare sector. Marketing decision making and analysis will be emphasized through the use of cases and current readings that focus on a variety of healthcare organizations, including hospitals, assisted living facilities, MCOs, and pharmaceutical companies.

Prerequisite(s): MKT 200; junior & senior standing.

NUR 404 Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments 3 Credits

This course provides a foundation of U.S. healthcare policy, including financial and regulatory policies, as well as the nature and functioning of the U.S. healthcare delivery system. There is emphasis on policy processes at the organizational, local, state, national, and global levels. Learning activities and assignments focus on strategies for learning how to assess the role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse in policy formation and reformation at all levels, demonstrating understanding of the political process at all levels, developing effective advocacy strategies for vulnerable populations, how to identify and influence key stakeholders in the policy process, the importance of effective communication of key healthcare issues, and how to influence change in the political process at all levels when there is social injustice.

PSY 220 Psychological Disorders 3 Credits

This course covers the major forms of psychological disorders from childhood to adulthood. Topics include the etiology of disorders from biological, social, behavioral, cognitive, and cultural perspectives, as well as diagnostic and treatment considerations.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131.

PSY 345 Health Psychology 3 Credits

This course focuses on the biopsychosocial model of health in which biological, psychological and social factors contribute to health and wellbeing, as well as illness and disease. After a brief introduction to systems of the body, i.e. nervous, endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, immune, this course will examine health-enhancing behaviors such as exercise and nutrition, as well as health-compromising behaviors such as drug abuse and other reckless behaviors, along with models that explain behavior maintenance and change. Additionally, attention is devoted to a discussion of how health psychology can function in shaping health care policy.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 45 credits.

PSY 365 Drugs and Human Behavior 3 Credits

Presents the student with an in-depth analysis of the effects of alcohol and selected chemical substances on the behavior and body of the user. Commonly abused substances will be discussed in terms of their history, sources of production, routes of administration, distribution, metabolism and excretion, neurophysiology, tolerance, properties of addiction, withdrawal course and symptoms, and potential beneficial and harmful effects.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 45 credits.

PSY 374 Psychology of the Family 3 Credits

This course examines the significance of family in human development. Using prominent themes of developmental psychology, such as: the role of attachment in forming human relationships, the significance of context in understanding human development, and the resilience of development; this course will explore the existing research on the family. Students are asked to consider their own experiences as members of a family, as well as to understand the variety of ways family impacts development across the lifespan.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 45 credits.

PSY 382 Aging, Brain, and Cognition 3 Credits

This course covers the biological structures and processes underlying cognition in humans and explores modulating factors such as age, sex, disease, stress, and environment. The theoretical and methodological issues of developmental cognitive neuroscience research are addressed. Focus of the course is on brain structure and function in the largest growing segment of our population, persons over the age of 65, and the link between structure and cognitive abilities, both intact and declining. Special attention is paid to those factors related to successful aging and treatments with putative cognitive enhancers.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 45 credits.

PSY 385 Death, Dying and Suicide 3 Credits

Everything that is alive eventually dies, thus death is a part of life. Understanding death can help us to understand and experience life more fully, and it can help us to make appropriate, compassionate responses to death and dying. Class members will examine difficult and controversial psychosocial issues related to dying and death, death perceptions from childhood through older adulthood, religious and death attitudes, the dying process, living with dying, dying in the American health care system, euthanasia and biomedical issues, pain management, suicide, cross-cultural perspectives on dying and death, the business of dying, the legal aspects of dying, and the bereavement process.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 45 credits.

SOC 247 Aging 3 Credits

The emergence of social gerontology, demographic foundation of aging, the aging process, comparative study of aging and aged, effect of aging on the individual, social institutions and aging, and problems of aging and some solutions.

SOC 346 Health Care and Society 3 Credits

Application and contributions of sociology to medicine; the strategy and methods of sociomedical research; sociology of illness, addictive and mental disorder; medical institutions; health services and medical care; and current status of medical sociology.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 101.

SOC 347 Aging and the Elderly 3 Credits

The emergence of social gerontology, demographic foundation of aging, the aging process, comparative study of aging and aged, effect of aging on the individual, social institutions and aging, and problems of aging and some solutions.