Nursing: Online R.N. to B.S.N.

Nursing: Online R.N. to B.S.N. Program Requirements

(30 credits)

The minimum passing grade for all NUR courses is a C (75). Any BSN student receiving below a C (75) in a NUR course will need to repeat the course to meet graduation requirements.

Required Courses30
Professionalism and Professional Values
Organizational and Healthcare Systems Leadership
Scholarship in Evidence-Based Practice
Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology
Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments
Interprofessional Collaboration and Communication for Improving Healthcare Outcomes
Population Health Promotion and Prevention Across the Lifespan
Cultural Diversity in a Global Society
Gerontological Nursing Concept
BSN Capstone 1
Courses required for BSN Students without a previous college-level statistics course:
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Applied Statistics 2
Statistics and Research Design 3
Total Credits:30-33

Prerequisites:  NUR 402 and NUR 405


Prerequisite: Minimum of a C grade in any college-level math course.


Prerequisite: PSY 105 or NUR 402.

RN to BSN in Nursing Academic Plan of Study

Due to prerequisites and corequisites required for some courses, it is highly recommended that the sequence outlined below is followed.  Courses will be offered in the semesters as shown below.

The following educational plan is provided as a sample only.  Rider students who do not declare a major during their freshman year; who are in a Continuing Education Program; who change their major; or who transfer to Rider may follow a different plan to ensure a timely graduation.  Each student, with guidance from their academic advisor, will develop a personalized educational plan.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Fall SemesterCredits
NUR 408 Gerontological Nursing Concept 3
NUR 406 Population Health Promotion and Prevention Across the Lifespan 3
 Semester Credit Hours6
Spring Semester
NUR 403 Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology 3
NUR 407 Cultural Diversity in a Global Society 3
 Semester Credit Hours6
Summer Semester
NUR 400 Professionalism and Professional Values 3
NUR 401 Organizational and Healthcare Systems Leadership 3
 Semester Credit Hours6
Year 2
Fall Semester
NUR 402 Scholarship in Evidence-Based Practice 3
NUR 405 Interprofessional Collaboration and Communication for Improving Healthcare Outcomes 3
 Semester Credit Hours6
Spring Semester
NUR 409 BSN Capstone 3
NUR 404 Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments 3
 Semester Credit Hours6
 Total Credit Hours for Graduation30
Students who have not completed any previous college-level statistics courses must also complete one the following courses.  Course offerings vary by semester. 
MTH 120Introduction to Applied Statistics3
PSY 201Statistics and Research Design3

Courses and Descriptions

NUR 400 Professionalism and Professional Values 3 Credits

Professionalism and the inherent values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice are fundamental to nursing. The nature and scope of professional nursing, critical thinking, professional accountability, ethical decision-making, and client education as integral parts of the nursing process are examined. Quality and Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN) concepts are emphasized. This course provides a foundation for the baccalaureate nurse to have a solid understanding of the broader professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct in the nursing profession and to facilitate the role of the nurse as a change agent.

NUR 401 Organizational and Healthcare Systems Leadership 3 Credits

This course provides a foundation of principles of leadership based on contemporary needs for qualified nursing leaders who can function and manage in complex healthcare delivery environments. Learning activities and assignments will focus on strategies for self-assessment and self-reflection of one’s own leadership skills, knowledge, and attitudes that foster and promote nursing leadership in diverse healthcare delivery settings, and strategies for best practice in nursing leadership in the 21st century.

NUR 402 Scholarship in Evidence-Based Practice 3 Credits

This course provides a foundation of evidence-based research principles to translate evidence into practice and how research informs professional nursing practice to improve patient safety and outcomes. Learning activities and assignments will focus on strategies for learning how to assess scientific merit of data-driven research, apply evidence-based practice in appropriate ways, monitor and evaluate the impact of evidence-based practice on informed nursing practice and outcomes of care as well as collaborate with interprofessional health care teams to improve patient safety and outcomes in a variety of healthcare delivery settings.

NUR 403 Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology 3 Credits

This course provides a foundation of information management and application of patient care technology to enhance and improve patient safety and outcomes by examining linkages between information management systems and patient care technologies that support and are linked to safe nursing practice. The course examines how technology is used to inform nursing practice and enhance patient safety by applying safeguards and decision making support tools embedded in the technologies. Students are exposed to effective clinical information systems (CIS) to document nursing care, examine the ethical components of protecting patient information, challenges with data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality and rights to privacy as well as examine the role of the professional nurse in updating and garnering information management resources and applying them in patient care settings.

NUR 404 Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments 3 Credits

This course provides a foundation of U.S. healthcare policy, including financial and regulatory policies, as well as the nature and functioning of the U.S. healthcare delivery system. There is emphasis on policy processes at the organizational, local, state, national, and global levels. Learning activities and assignments focus on strategies for learning how to assess the role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse in policy formation and reformation at all levels, demonstrating understanding of the political process at all levels, developing effective advocacy strategies for vulnerable populations, how to identify and influence key stakeholders in the policy process, the importance of effective communication of key healthcare issues, and how to influence change in the political process at all levels when there is social injustice.

NUR 405 Interprofessional Collaboration and Communication for Improving Healthcare Outcomes 3 Credits

This course provides a foundation of key concepts essential to promotion of effective interprofessional collaboration and communication for improving healthcare outcomes and patient safety. There is emphasis in the course on examination of the roles and perspectives of scope of practice for selected healthcare disciplines in intra-and interprofessional healthcare teams to improve healthcare outcomes and promote patient safety, and on effective strategies for advocacy and communication patterns in healthcare delivery settings as healthcare professionals develop trust and respect for all members of the healthcare team while recognizing unique differences and contributions of roles to patient safety and outcomes.

NUR 406 Population Health Promotion and Prevention Across the Lifespan 3 Credits

This course provides a foundation of key concepts essential to population-focused nursing, the aggregate, community or population as the unit of care. The focus of the course is on health promotion/disease prevention with emphasis on the professional nurse role in clinical prevention of disease and care of populations applying concepts of primary, secondary, and tertiary health promotion across the lifespan, identifying determinates of health, prioritizing primary prevention across the lifespan, actively identifying and targeting populations benefitting from evidence-based preventive initiatives and clinical preventive guidelines, assessment strategies for individuals and populations, applying evidence-based practice to health promotion/risk reduction, and being an advocate for vulnerable and disenfranchised populations without resources or a voice.

NUR 407 Cultural Diversity in a Global Society 3 Credits

This course provides a foundation of key concepts essential to nursing care and professional nursing leadership in assessment, planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they must have as leaders of healthcare delivery focusing on improved system safety and effectiveness. There is particular emphasis on the nursing leadership role at the baccalaureate level for nursing to recognize, interrupt, evaluate, and correct healthcare errors and to implement safety principles and work with others to create a safe, caring environment for every healthcare delivery encounter as they provide care themselves, are acting in a leadership capacity, or are overseeing and delegating to other non-licensed assistive personnel. The course content focuses on identification, assessment, planning, design, and evaluation of evidence-based practice change to improve patient safety and outcomes.

NUR 408 Gerontological Nursing Concept 3 Credits

This course provides a foundation of key concepts essential to care of an aging population in a complex society. Given the diverse health status of the aging population, professional nurses must be able to develop competencies to provide high quality care to aging adults and their families or significant others. Specifically the course focuses on increased diversity and complexity of an aging society and selected health care needs, life transitions of aging adults, normal body system changes occurring with the aging process, the professional nurse role in principled care provided to a vulnerable population, and the role of the professional nurse as advocate and caregiver promoting the concepts of quality end-of-life care for aging adults, including pain and symptom management honoring the autonomy and self- wish of the aging client.

NUR 409 BSN Capstone 3 Credits

This course provides a foundation of key concepts essential to nursing care and professional nursing leadership in assessment, planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they must have as leaders of healthcare delivery focusing on improved system safety and effectiveness. There is particular emphasis on the nursing leadership role at the baccalaureate level for nursing to recognize, interrupt, evaluate, and correct healthcare errors and to implement safety principles and work with others to create a safe, caring environment for every healthcare delivery encounter as they provide care themselves, are acting in a leadership capacity or are overseeing and delegating to other non-licensed assistive personnel. The course content focuses on identification, assessment, planning, design, and evaluation of evidence-based practice change to improve patient safety and outcomes.

Prerequisite(s): NUR 402, NUR 405.

BSN students without a previous college-level statistics course must complete one of the following courses.

Note: For the following courses, prerequisites for BSN students differ from other students and are correctly shown below.
MTH 120 Introduction to Applied Statistics 3 Credits

Collection and presentation of data. Measures of location and variation, sampling theory, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, t-tests, chi-square tests, regression, and correlation. Emphasizes practical applications. Not open to business administration, chemistry, environmental, geosciences, marine sciences, math or liberal studies: marine ecological or environmental emphasis majors.

Prerequisite(s): BSN students must have a minimum grade of C in any college-level math course.
PSY 201 Statistics and Research Design 3 Credits

Introduces students to statistics and research methods in the behavioral sciences. Covers the fundamentals of descriptive and inferential statistics, a variety of issues in research design, selected research designs including the case study, correlational and experimental designs. In addition, students will explore the literature in psychology in order to examine the use of statistics and research design in real research problems.

Prerequisite(s): BSN students must have completed either PSY 105 or NUR 402