CEP and Virtual Students General Education Requirements

General Education Requirements

The College of Arts and Sciences Continuing Education core requirements consist of two major areas:  Basic Core and the Areas of Knowledge.  Continuing Education students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A) should refer to the Norm Brodsky College of Business core requirements.

We recognize that there will be individual instances where a transfer course substitution may be made for a particular student, as can happen for any student at Rider University; these decisions are made in consultation with department chairs, academic advisors, and the student’s academic Dean’s office. Transfer course substitutions are widely and generously applied for all CEP students across their curriculum whenever appropriate, as the goal is to maximize a student’s ability to successfully complete their degree.

The Basic Core

CMP 120Seminar in Writing and Rhetoric3
CMP 125Seminar in Writing and Research3
COM 104Speech Communication3
or COM 290 Professional/Strategic Speech
Quantitative Skills3
Select one of the following courses:
Introduction to Business Analytics
Finite Mathematics
Algebra and Trigonometry
Quantitative Methods for Business
Business Statistics
Statistics and Research Design
Methods of Sociological Research
Information Technology3
Select one of the following courses:
Information Systems Essentials
Fundamentals of Computer Science
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Total Credits15

The Areas of Knowledge

There are four areas of knowledge.  Select two or three courses as indicated below from each of the four areas. At least two different disciplines must be represented in each knowledge area.  Students are urged to consult with their advisors before selecting courses for the areas of knowledge to ensure that the courses chosen meet the requirements.  Students must complete 33-35 credits combined in the four areas of knowledge to complete the CEP General Education requirements

We recognize that there will be individual instances where a transfer course substitution may be made for a particular student, as can happen for any student at Rider University; these decisions are made in consultation with department chairs, academic advisors, and the student’s academic Dean’s office. Transfer course substitutions are widely and generously applied for all CEP students across their curriculum whenever appropriate, as the goal is to maximize a student’s ability to successfully complete their degree.

Artistic and Intellectual Perspective 
Select three of the following courses: (at least two disciplines must be represented)
American Memoir and Autobiography
Sports in American Life
Special Topics in American Studies
American Folklore
American Popular Culture
AMS 309
American Identity in the Arts
Social Impact of Rock and Roll
Art and Society
Calligraphy As a Window to Chinese Language and Culture
Intercultural Communication
Digital Media: Theory and Practice
Communication Law
Communication Ethics
Understanding Literature
Arthurian Legends in Literature
Major American Authors
Major British Authors
Literature and Mythology
Monsters in Literature
Satire and Comedy
Introduction To Shakespeare
Literature and the Environment
Literature and Violence
Literature and Psychology
Crime and Literature
Science Fiction
Black American Lit
Multi-Ethnic Literature in America
Introduction to Poetry
The Short Story
Global Literature
Ethnographic Film
Introduction to Gender Studies
Feminist Literary Criticism
Special Topics
Gender, War and Peace
Masterworks of Western Literature I
Masterworks of Western Literature II
Music and Society
Jazz History
The Music of Radiohead
World Music
Unpacking Bruce Springsteen
Black Music in America
Plato and Aristotle
Philosophical Thinking
Symbolic Logic
Philosophy of Law
Philosophy of Mind
American Political Film
Psychology and Film
Spanish Culture & Civilization
Latin American and Latinx Cultures
Visual Imagination
Theater Appreciation

Contemporary Perspective 

Select three of the following courses: (at least two disciplines must be represented)
American Memoir and Autobiography
Sports in American Life
Multicultural America
Special Topics in American Studies
Martin Luther King Jr's America
American Popular Culture
Technology and Science in America
AMS 309
American Identity in the Arts
Social Impact of Rock and Roll
Communication, Culture and Media
Digital Survival Skills: Media Literacy and Critical Thinking
Social Media and Social Change
Public Relations
Interpersonal Communication
Intercultural Communication
Digital Media: Theory and Practice
Communication Ethics
Rhetoric for Politics and Law
Gender and Communication
International Communication
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
British Literature, 20th-Century to Present
Selected Topics in English
The Social Construction of Global Society
Politics of the Global Economy
Ethnographic Film
Global Perspectives on Health and Illness
Introduction to Gender Studies
Introduction to Women's Studies
Popular Constructions of Gender and Sexuality
Gender and Communication
History of Modern Japan
20th-Century Europe
China in Revolution
Homeland Security
Cyberspace Law and Policy
Race, Class and Gender in Contemporary American Society
Social Philosophy
Business Ethics
Philosophy of Law
Medical Ethics
U.S. Politics in Crisis
Power, Politics and Justice
NJ Government and Politics
Methods of Political Analysis
Introduction to Public Policy
Healthcare Regulation and Governance
Public Opinion
Global Politics
Comparative Political Systems
Terrorism & Counter Terrorism
Nationalism in World Politics
Race and Ethnicity in American Politics
Political Campaigning
European Politics
Politics of Law and Order
Sex & Gender in International Politics
Sex & Gender in U.S. Politics
U.S. Constitutional Law
Civil Liberties in the U.S.
Global Justice
Political Behavior: Fear, Risk and Crisis
Political Parties and Electoral Behavior
American Political Film
Political Communication
Capitalism and Inequality
Borders and the State
Congressional Politics
American Presidency
Global Issues
Model United Nations
Power in American Politics
Contemporary Issues in American Public Policy
Environmental Politics
Comparative Environmental Policy
Geopolitics of Energy
Urban Politics
Contemporary Political Theory: Freedom and Authority
U.S. Foreign Policy and Security Policy
Critical Views of Global Security
Courts, Judges and Politics
Human Rights in Global Context
Politics of the Developing World
Global Immigration
Introduction to Psychology
Organizational Psychology
Psychological Disorders
Child Development
Youth and Adolescent Development
Social Psychology
Psychology of Peace & Conflict
Psychology of the Family
Positive Psychology
Sociological Imagination
Cultural Anthropology
Deviance and Crime
Racial and Ethnic Relations
Social Movements
Youth and Crime
Social Problems
Drugs, Crime & American Society
Cities And Suburbs
Women in Society
Gender and Criminal Justice
Law and Lawyers
Punishment and Corrections
Class and Economic Inequality
Power and Politics
Police and American Society
Policing and Counter Terrorism
Race and Crime
Health Care and Society

 Historical Perspective

Select three of the following courses: (at least two disciplines must be represented)
Multicultural America
Special Topics in American Studies
AMS 309
Radicalism in 20th-Century America
Social Impact of Rock and Roll
Survey of Art History I
Survey of Art History II
Chinese Culture and Civilization
Communication, Culture and Media
Communication Law
Survey of Dance History
DAN 180
History of Ballet, Modern & Jazz Dance
Literary History I
Literary History II
History of the English Language
Ethnographic Film
Introduction to Gender Studies
Gender, War and Peace
Witch Hunts: Femicide Through Centuries
Pre-Modern World: Evolution to Revolution
World in the Modern Era: Exploration to Globalization
U.S. History I
U.S. History II
Europe to 1715
Europe Since 1715
Native American History
African American History
History of New Jersey
History of Ancient Greece
Women in Europe from Antiquity to the French Revolution
Craft of History
Imperial Russia
Vietnam in Peace and War
Modern Middle East
Caribbean History
History of Modern Japan
The Immigrant in American Life
Women in American History
Gender and Sexuality in American History
20th-Century Europe
The Era of World War II
Nazi Germany & Hitler's Europe
China in Revolution
Warfare in History
Rise and Fall of Communism
Special Topics in History
Development and Structure of the US Intelligence Community
Survey of Music History I
Survey of Music History II
History of Pop and Rock Part I
History of Pop and Rock Part 2
Music of the Beatles
Film Music
American Philosophy
Asian Philosophy
Philosophy of the Sexes
Modern Political Theory
American Presidency
American Political Thought
Justice in Comparative Context
Social Movements
Schools and Schooling
Social and Cultural Change
Spanish Culture & Civilization
Latin American and Latinx Cultures
Theatre History to 1700
Theater History Since 1700
American Theatre History

 Natural World Perspective

Select two of the following courses: (at least two disciplines must be represented)
Life Science
Life Science: Inquiry Approach
and Life Science: Inquiry Approach Lab
Principles of Biology I
and Principles of Biology I Lab
Principles of Biology II
and Principles of Biology II Lab
Life Science: Brain and Behavior
Intro to College Chemistry
Survey of General Chemistry
and Survey of Gen Chemistry Lab
Chemistry in the Kitchen
and Chemistry in the Kitchen Lab
Chemistry & Society
Exploration of Chemical Principles
Principles of Chemistry
and Principles of Chemistry Lab
Introduction to Environmental Sciences
and Introduction to Environmental Sciences Lab
Future of Natural Resources
Introduction to Climate Change
Earth Systems Science
Earth Systems Science
and Earth Materials and Processes Lab
Geology of National Parks
Environmental Geology
Mesozoic Ruling Reptiles
and Introductory Oceanography Lab
Principles of Physics I
The Science of Mental Illness
Introduction to Sustainability Studies
and Intro to Sustainability Lab
Total Areas of Knowledge Credits:33-35