Management and Leadership/Human Resource Management Double Major

Requirements for the Double Major

(33 credits)

Business Core
See Business Core Requirements
MGT 310Intro to Human Resource Mgmt3
MGT 355Team Management 13
MGT 363Management Skills 13
MGT 375International Management3
MGT 450Advanced Leadership3
HRM 315Employee Selection & Training3
HRM 316Employee Compensation Systems3
Select four of the following courses, with at least one being an HRM course:12
Intro to Labor Relations
Employee Engagement
Sel. Topics: Human Res Mgt 2
Managing Workforce Diversity
Small Business Management
Small Business Consulting Sem
Ethical Management
Independent Research and Study
Independent Research and Study
Sel Topics:Mgt & Organztn Behv 2
Total Credits33

Management and Human Resource Management double majors have the option of completing MGT 355 Team Management or MGT 363 Management Skills for their major requirements as well as for their Leadership Elective requirement. If a student chooses to count either MGT 355 or MGT 363 toward the Leadership Elective, the student must complete 3 credits of free elective for graduation.


Either  MGT 421 or HRM 441 can be taken, not both.


 Either MGT 490 or HRM 490 can be taken, not both


  • An average grade of “C” or better is required in the 33 semester credit hours that are required for the management and leadership and human resource management double major. Majors are encouraged to take either MGT 491 Intern Management/Org Behavior OR HRM 492 Internship in Human Res Mgt as a free elective.

Academic Plan of Study

The following educational plan is provided as a sample only.  Rider students who do not declare a major during their freshman year; who are in a Continuing Education Program; who change their major; or who transfer to Rider may follow a different plan to ensure a timely graduation.  Each student, with guidance from their academic advisor, will develop a personalized educational plan.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Fall SemesterCredits
CBA 110 Business in Action 3
CIS 185 Information Systems Essentials 1 3
CMP 120 Seminar in Writing and Rhetoric 3
MSD 105 Quantitative Methods for Business 2 3
Natural Science Elective 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
CMP 125 Seminar in Writing and Research 3
ECO 200 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
MKT 200 Marketing Principles 3
MSD 205 Business Statistics 3
Humanities Elective 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 2
Fall Semester
ACC 210 Introduction to Accounting 3
BDA 201 Introduction to Business Analytics 3
COM 290 Professional/Strategic Speech 3
ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics 3
MGT 201 Fund Management & Org Behavior 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
ACC 220 Managerial Uses of Accounting 3
CBA 212 Business Communications 3
CBA 236 Career Planning 3
FIN 220 Introduction to Finance 3
MGT 310 Intro to Human Resource Mgmt 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 3
Fall Semester
BUS 300 The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business 3
HRM 315 Employee Selection & Training 3
CIS 385
Management Information Systems
or Management Information Systems for Global Supply Chain Management
MGT 355
Team Management
or Management Skills
Major Elective 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
MSD 301 Operations Management 3
MGT 355
Team Management
or Management Skills
Major Elective 3
Liberal Arts Elective 3
Free Elective 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 4
Fall Semester
HRM 316 Employee Compensation Systems 3
MGT 375 International Management 3 3
Major Elective 3
Free Elective (International Business) 3 3
Free Elective 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
MGT 450 Advanced Leadership 3
BUS 400 Strategic Management and Policy 3
Major Elective 3
Social Science Elective 3
Free Elective 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours for Graduation120

 CIS 185 Information Systems Essentials can be taken in the Fall or Spring of Year 1.


Students may be required to take MSD 104 Intro to Quantitative Methods based on placement.  MSD 104 counts as a 3-credit Free Elective.


Students are required to complete 6 credits of International Business Electives which can be fulfilled as major courses or as free electives.

Note: The Leadership Elective requirement is not listed becauseMGT 355 (Team Management) and MGT 363 (Management Skills), which are required for the Management & Leadership major, both satisfy the Leadership Elective requirement. An additional 3-credit free elective has been added.

HRM 312 Intro to Labor Relations 3 Credits

This course deals with the relationship of labor unions and management, the fundamentals of collective bargaining, and labor legislation. The structure and growth of unions as well as the relationships and problems that exist among private and public sector organizations, the labor force, and government are surveyed.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 310 or permission of instructor.

HRM 313 Legal Aspects of Human Res Mgt 3 Credits

This course deals with the various laws that affect human resource management, including social insurance, legislation, minimum wage laws, OSHA , ERISA, as well as equal employment opportunity legislation. This course is concerned not only with the provisions of these laws, but also with their constitutionality, their effects, and how they are administered.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 310 or permission of instructor.

HRM 315 Employee Selection & Training 3 Credits

This course explains the processes involved in selecting and training employees. With regards to selection, specific examples include, evaluating applicant credentials, administering pre-employment tests and complying with equal employment opportunity legislation. With regards to training, topics include assessing the need for training, designing effective training programs, utilizing methods such as technology to deliver training, and evaluating the effectiveness of training programs.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 310.

HRM 316 Employee Compensation Systems 3 Credits

The goal of this course is to familiarize you with the common methods of compensation used by today’s organizations and how these methods could be used to increase motivation, job satisfaction, and performance in the workplace. To accomplish this, we will first discuss the bases of motivation in the workplace. Next, we will then talk about the various compensation options and techniques and the strengths and weaknesses of each in maximizing motivation and performance in an organization.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 310.

HRM 333 Employee Engagement 3 Credits

Employee Engagement is commonly described as a focused passion and enthusiasm that employees bring to their work that produces high-quality performance and positive organizational outcomes such as enhanced firm reputation, customer loyalty, and profitability. In this course, students will explore the concept and value of Employee Engagement, and strategies for energizing an organization's workforce. Projects and activities will focus on the role of the Human Resource function in measuring employee attitudes, designing relevant interventions, and influencing a culture of engagement.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 310.

HRM 441 Sel. Topics: Human Res Mgt 3 Credits

Deals with one area of study in the field of human resource management such as protective labor legislation, mediation and arbitration, the administration of labor unions, or case problems in human resource management. The topic varies each semester and is announced at the time of registration.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 310 or permission of instructor.

HRM 490 Independent Research and Study 1-4 Credits

Topic to be approved in advance by supervising instructor, chairperson, and academic dean. Available for juniors and seniors. No more than 12 credits allowed toward graduation, and can be used as free elective or HRM major elective.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 310 or permission of instructor.

HRM 491 Internship 1-4 Credits

Provides the student with the opportunity to supplement and apply human resource management coursework in a supervised employment setting with participating companies. Requirements include a journal with a log of daily activities and a paper summarizing work experiences. Students will receive a letter grade based upon their internship performance, as well as their performance on the journal and final paper submissions.

Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior; Major in human resource management and MGT 310; Requires a 2.75 GPA overall and 3.0 GPA in the major and permission of the instructor.

HRM 492 Internship in Human Res Mgt 3 Credits

Provides the student with the opportunity to supplement and apply their human resource management classroom work in a supervised employment setting with participating companies. Requirements include a journal with a log of daily activities and a paper summarizing their experiences submitted to the internship supervisor. Students will receive a letter grade based upon their internship performance, as well as their performance on the journal and final paper submissions. 2.75 GPA overall and 3.0 GPA in the major is required.

Prerequisite(s): major in human resource management or management and leadership, and MGT 310; senior status; and permission of instructor.

MGT 201 Fund Management & Org Behavior 3 Credits

This course deals with the fundamentals of organizational behavior as they relate to management such as motivation, communications, and leadership. Behavior is examined at the individual, group, and organizational level. The management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling are addressed. The effects of global operations and the requirements of ethical behavior on managers are also explored.

Prerequisite(s): minimum 30 credits completed.

MGT 310 Intro to Human Resource Mgmt 3 Credits

This course deals with the nature of human resource management, its functions, procedures, and practices currently found in profit, non-profit and public sector organizations. Topics covered include recruiting and selection, t raining, human resource development, equal employment opportunity, performance appraisal, diversity, job analysis, compensation, and employee rights and discipline.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 201 or PSY 210.

MGT 320 Managing Workforce Diversity 3 Credits

Demographic shifts, changing patterns of labor force participation, global competition, and a growing cultural emphasis on the celebration of difference have all contributed to the creation of diversity as a hot topic in management. This course explores the opportunities and challenges of the increasingly diverse workforce emerging in the United States today. We will address the knowledge and skills managers must develop in working with others who are different from themselves. Some of these differences are obvious- gender, race, age, and physical characteristics. Other differences are not as easily observed - family structure, educational level, social class, and sexual orientation. This class incorporates experiential learning techniques for personal growth.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 201 or PSY 210.

MGT 329 Research Methods in Organizational Psychology 4 Credits

his course covers general area of research methods such as experimental and non-experimental methods, measurement, statistics, and preparation of reports for presentation and publication. In addition, research topics common in the area of organizational psychology such as worker motivation, job satisfaction, stress and burnout, communications in the workplace, productivity, decision-making, leadership style, and organizational structure will also be discussed. Students gain hands-on experience conducting empirical research.

MGT 329L Research Methods: Org Psy Lab 0 Credits

This course covers general area of research methods such as experimental and non-experimental methods, measurement, statistics, and preparation of reports for presentation and publication. In addition, research topics common in the area of organizational psychology such as worker motivation, job satisfaction, stress and burnout, communications in the workplace, productivity, decision-making, leadership style, and organizational structure will also be discussed. Students gain hands-on experience conducting empirical research.

MGT 336 Career Management 3 Credits

How careers are shaped by individual needs and experience and assisted by organization systems and practices is the focus of this course. The meaning of work and the development of careers are discussed, and students undertake self-assessment for the purpose of career planning. Careers are examined in the context of important changes occurring today in the world of work. The impact of the executive, organizational counselors and trainers, and the educational system upon the development of human potential is examined, along with the techniques for human resource planning and development.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 201 or permission of instructor.

MGT 346 Negotiation 3 Credits

The purpose of this course is first, to explore the major concepts and theories behind effective negotiating practices and second, to develop negotiating skills applicable to a wide range of contexts. A knowledge of negotiation is a crucial requirement for anyone interested in a business career since it is a common mechanism for implementing change and for resolving conflict in the workplace. Topics will include two-party negotiations, power and politics, mediation, arbitration, and collective bargaining. A variety of teaching techniques will be used including readings, discussion, and role-playing.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 201 or permission of the instructor.

MGT 355 Team Management 3 Credits

This course prepares students to work in organizations that use teams as an integral part of their functioning-an increasingly common practice. The class involves intensive group interaction, focusing on individual growth in group settings. Working with other students in role-plays, exercises, and team assignments allows the student to develop better communication and leadership skills.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 201 or PSY 210.

MGT 363 Management Skills 3 Credits

The focus of this course is on specific skills necessary for success in a management role. These skills include leading, communicating effectively, delegating, conflict and time management and motivating others. Students will have opportunities to practice skills and to apply their knowledge to business cases.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 201 or permission of instructor.

MGT 375 International Management 3 Credits

This course explores the ways in which culture impacts management practices and organizational behavior and dynamics. Topics include cross cultural communication, expatriate selection and training, leading and motivating cross cultural teams, developing organizational strategies to compete in a global market place, international business ethics, and current topics.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 201.

MGT 399 Co-Op in Management and Leadership 6 Credits

This co-op program provides management students with an opportunity to work full-time in a company and apply what they have learned in their Management and Leadership classes. It also enhances students’ employment opportunities since many employers use a co-op program as a first step before they hire full-time employees. Students are evaluated periodically by senior staff members of the participating firms and are required to complete a work journal and reflection paper. Supervising faculty will meet with the student regularly to discuss their progress and accomplishments in the co-op. Co-op credits can be applied toward business or free elective requirements.

Prerequisites: Junior status with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, and a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the major.

MGT 410 Ethical Management 3 Credits

Managers today face a broad range of ethically challenging situations. This course will help students to confront and analyze ethical dilemmas effectively in the workplace. Cases, simulations, hands-on content will engage students with the material, and will generate robust class discussion.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MGT 201 and Leadership Requirement course.

MGT 421 Sel Topics:Mgt & Organztn Behv 3 Credits

The seminar focuses on an area of study announced at the time of registration (students should check the registration material). Examples of possible topics are: leadership, motivation, and organizational behavior research. Prerequisites vary according to the topic and are listed in the registration material.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 201 or permission of instructor.

MGT 450 Advanced Leadership 3 Credits

Leadership is the ability to influence a group of people towards a goal. In this course, students will increase their own leadership capacities so that they can become effective leaders of organizations and teams. They will integrate what they have learned from their experience and other coursework with diverse reading and writing assignments and team projects as they explore complex leadership issues related to vision, communication, motivation, ethics, team dynamics, power, and change management.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 201; Leadership elective (LDP 200, LDP 220, LDP 398, MGT 355, MGT 363).

MGT 490 Independent Research and Study 1-4 Credits

Topic to be approved in advance by supervising instructor, chairperson, and academic dean. Available for juniors and seniors. No more than 12 credits allowed toward graduation, and can be used as free elective or MGT major elective.

Prerequisite(s): MGT 201 or permission of instructor.

MGT 491 Intern Management/Org Behavior 3 Credits

Provides the student with the opportunity to supplement and apply their management and leadership classroom work in a supervised employment setting with participating companies. Requirements include a journal with a log of daily activities and a paper summarizing their experiences submitted to the internship supervisor. Students will receive a letter grade based upon their internship performance, as well as their performance on the journal and final paper submissions.

Prerequisite(s): major in management and leadership or human resource management and MGT 363, or senior status; Requires a 2.75 GPA overall and 3.0 GPA in the major and permission of the instructor.