Liberal Studies Online (Online or Virtual Campus)

Liberal Studies Online Program Requirements

(42 credits)

A candidate for graduation must complete a minimum of 120 credits.  Of the required 120 credits, 36 must be in upper-level courses as determined by the respective department, including three credits from the liberal studies core and 18 credits from the selected concentration.  A maximum of 30 credits from outside the arts and sciences may be presented for graduation.

Core Requirements48
See Continuing Education Programs Core Requirements 1,2
Liberal Studies Core
Complete the following courses:
LIB 200Intro to Liberal Studies 33
LIB 400Seminar in Liberal Studies3
Liberal Studies Concentration36
Select Social Science, Applied Social Science or Applied Social Science with Business Studies Emphasis
Free Electives30
Total Credits120

Courses and Descriptions

LIB 200 Intro to Liberal Studies 3 Credits

Introduces students to the various perspectives and methods of the disciplines in liberal studies: natural and social sciences, humanities, and the arts. Students learn the multifaceted questions and answers offered by each discipline. They study the historical development of the university and the rise and transformation of liberal studies disciplines.

LIB 400 Seminar in Liberal Studies 3 Credits

A critical examination of the tradition of Western humanism and the way it has been transmitted through liberal arts education. Deals with a variable set of permanent problems in humanistic debate and learning e.g., specialization, the need for unifying theories of knowledge, the purpose of history, the place of intellectual life in mass society, the meaning of freedom, the modern problem of alienation, the responsibilities of the university, etc. Emphasis on why and how such problems have been addressed rather than any presumptive solutions.

LIB 490 Independent & Supervised Study 1-4 Credits

Independent and Supervised Study is available to CCS students for special study projects. Students much have completed a minimum of 45 credits applicable to a Rider degree and a minimum of 12 credit hours at Rider with a GPA of 2.5 or better. Each project may be taken for one-four credits and a maximum of six credits may be applied to the associate degree, 12 credits to the bachelor degree.