Applied Behavior Analysis Certificate

Applied Behavior Analysis Certificate Requirements

( 17-18 credits)

Required Courses:
PSY 212Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis 13
PSY 299Field Placement in Applied Behavior Analysis 21
PSY 339
Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis
and Research Methods in ABA Lab
PSY 388Learning and the Experimental Analysis of Behavior3
PSY 389Professional Issues in ABA3
PSY 490Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression 33-4
or PSY 491 Internship in Psychology
Total Credits17

PSY 212 is waived with RBT certification.


PSY 299 is waived if employed full- or part-time in an ABA setting.


PSY 490 Independent Study must have an ABA focus; PSY 491 Internship must have an ABA focus.  EDU 465 may be used in place of PSY 490 or PSY 491 with an ABA focus.

Certificate Completion

To complete the ABA Certificate Program, students must meet the following requirements:

  • A grade of "C+" or better in each course is required for the certificate; 
  • Completion of a capstone paper from PSY 490/ PSY 491/EDU 465 is required.

Courses and Descriptions

PSY 212 Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis 3 Credits

Presents a review of classical and operant conditioning, data collection and research design, data analysis and interpretation. In addition, assessment and treatment strategies in a variety of settings, contingency management in institution, classroom and home, systematic self-desensitization, and ethical consideration are discussed.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131.

PSY 299 Field Placement in Applied Behavior Analysis 1 Credits

The practicum provides hands-on experience using the tools of applied behavior analysis in a field setting. Provides supervised field placement experience in an approved institution or agency in order for students to gain knowledge in applications of applied behavior analysis. Placement is made in various community institutions and agencies that offer services to diverse populations.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and PSY 212.

PSY 339 Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis 4 Credits

This upper-level laboratory course will provide students with an in-depth study of the principles and applications of Applied Behavior Analysis. Students will examine behavioral principles, ethical considerations, and real-life applications of ABA. Each student will design and implement a self-management plan to alter the behavior of their choosing.

Prerequisite(s): (Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131) and 30 credits and (PSY 212 or PSY 225) and a minimum grade of C in PSY 201.

PSY 339L Research Methods in ABA Lab 0 Credits

This lab is a co-requisite and must be taken with the corresponding course. (Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131) and (PSY 212 or PSY 225) and a minimum grade of C in PSY 201.

PSY 388 Learning and the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 3 Credits

Students will review principles of behavior covered in PSY 212 Intro to ABA (or PSY 225 Learning Theory) and move into more complex concepts and principles of behavior analysis including respondent behavior, respondent conditioning, motivating operations, schedules of reinforcement, and verbal operants. Students will also learn elements of behavior change and specific behavior-change procedures including verbal behavior training, discrete trial training, interventions based on motivating operations and discriminative stimuli, and stimulus equivalence procedures.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 45 credits.

PSY 389 Professional Issues in ABA 3 Credits

This course will provide students interested in working in the field of applied behavior analysis at the bachelor’s level content based on the task list of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) The course covers ethical and professional considerations relevant to the profession of applied behavior analysis as well as ethical and disciplinary standards of the profession. In addition, the course covers behavioral assessment and intervention, competency-based training, and evaluating the effectiveness of behavioral programs. Students will also have the opportunity to read seminal and current research literature on the topics.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 45 credits.

PSY 490 Independent Study: Research and Creative Expression 1-4 Credits

Provides students with an opportunity to design and carry out original research in an area of their choice. Students designate a faculty supervisor and work closely with him/her during the semester. All students must have approval from the department and the dean to register for PSY 490.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 75 credits.

PSY 491 Internship in Psychology 1-4 Credits

Provides supervised work experience in an approved institution or agency in order for students to gain knowledge in applications of psychology. Placement is made in various community institutions and agencies that offer services to both exceptional and normal individuals.

Prerequisite(s): senior psychology majors or minors.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in PSY 100 or PSY 102 or PSY 110 or PSY 131 and 75 credits.