Actuarial Science

Actuarial Science B.S. Major Requirements

( 60  credits)

Required Mathematics Courses
MTH 210Calculus I 14
MTH 211Calculus II 14
MTH 212Calculus III4
MTH 240Linear Algebra3
MTH 250Differential Equations3
MTH 308Advanced Calculus3
MTH 340Probability & Statistical Analysis I3
MTH 341Probability & Statistical Analysis II3
Two MTH Electives (at 300 level or above)6
Required Accounting Courses
ACC 210Introduction to Accounting3
ACC 220Managerial Uses of Accounting3
Required Finance Courses
FIN 220Introduction to Finance3
FIN 309Intermediate Corporate Finance3
Required Economics Courses
ECO 200Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECO 201Principles of Microeconomics3
Required Management Science Courses
MSD 330Predictive Modeling and Applications3
MSD 350Financial Mathematics3
Required Computer Science Course3
Select one of the following courses:
Fundamentals of Computer Science
Computer Science I
Total Credits60
Recommended Free Electives 2
Financial Markets & Institutions
International Finance
Risk Management
Fixed Income and Derivatives
Economics of Health Care System

Students must receive a grade of "B" or above in Calculus I (MTH 210) and Calculus II (MTH 211).


Recommended free electives are not required for completion of the major.

Academic Plan of Study

The following educational plan is provided as a sample only.  Rider students who do not declare a major during their freshman year; who are in a Continuing Education Program; who change their major; or who transfer to Rider may follow a different plan to ensure a timely graduation.  Each student, with guidance from their academic advisor, will develop a personalized educational plan.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Fall SemesterCredits
MTH 210 Calculus I 1,3 4
ECO 200 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
CMP 120 Seminar in Writing and Rhetoric 3
HIS 150 Pre-Modern World: Evolution to Revolution 3
Foreign Language 1 3
 Semester Credit Hours16
Spring Semester
MTH 211 Calculus II 4
ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics 3
HIS 151
World in the Modern Era: Exploration to Globalization
or Contemporary World: Historical Perspectives
or Cold War: A Global History
CMP 125 Seminar in Writing and Research 3
Foreign Language 3
 Semester Credit Hours16
Year 2
Fall Semester
MTH 240 Linear Algebra 3
ACC 210 Introduction to Accounting 3
CSC 105
Fundamentals of Computer Science
or Computer Science I
COM 104 Speech Communication 3
Social Perspectives 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
MTH 212 Calculus III 4
FIN 220 Introduction to Finance 3
ACC 220 Managerial Uses of Accounting 3
Social Perspectives 3
Scientific Perspectives 3
 Semester Credit Hours16
Year 3
Fall Semester
MTH 308 Advanced Calculus 3
MTH 340 Probability & Statistical Analysis I 3
FIN 309 Intermediate Corporate Finance 3
Philosophical Perspectives 3
Free Elective 2 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
MTH 341 Probability & Statistical Analysis II 3
Scientific Perspectives 3
Free Electives 2 9
 Semester Credit Hours15
Year 4
Fall Semester
MTH Elective 3
MSD 350 Financial Mathematics 3
Aesthetic Perspectives: Literature 3
Free Electives 2 3
 Semester Credit Hours12
Spring Semester
MTH 250 Differential Equations 4 3
MSD 330 Predictive Modeling and Applications 3
Math Elective 3
Aesthetic Perspectives: Fine Arts 3
Free Electives 2 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours for Graduation120

For course placement information see


Please note that elective credits may be used to complete requirements in a second major or minor. 


Mathematics General Education Curriculum requirements are included in the major.


MTH 250 - Differential Equations will be offered in the spring of even years.  MTH 308 - Advanced Calculus will be offered in the fall of odd years.  Please consult with your advisor for the timing of these courses.  

Courses and Descriptions

ACC 210 Introduction to Accounting 3 Credits

This course provides an introduction to basic principles and methods of accounting essential to preparation, understanding and interpretation of financial statements. Topics include accounting for merchandising concerns, current assets, long-term assets, liabilities and equity accounts. A brief overview of internal control is also covered.

ECO 200 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Credits

A collective view of income receiving and spending sectors of the national economy, including households, businesses, and governments. Issues discussed: What determines the level of output, income, and employment achieved by the economy? What determines the growth of national output and employment? National income accounting, income and employment theory, monetary system, general price level, business cycle, government policies designed to provide for full employment, price stability, and economic growth are also covered.

Prerequisite(s): Place into MSD 105 based on SAT or ACT Score, OR place into MSD 105/MTH 102 by passing College Placement, OR passing MSD 104, OR having transferred in any college level MSD or MTH class.

ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics 3 Credits

Market price systems are analyzed. The nature and characteristics of consumer and producer behavior, the theory of pricing in competitive and noncompetitive markets, and determination of the distribution of output a re evaluated. Welfare, social control, monopoly, and income inequality a re explored in the light of price theory. The role of the United States in the world economy is explored.

Prerequisite(s): Place into MSD 105 based on SAT or ACT Score, OR place into MSD 105/MTH 102 by passing College Placement, OR passing MSD 104, OR having transferred in any college level MSD or MTH class.

FIN 220 Introduction to Finance 3 Credits

An introduction to the environment, concepts, and techniques of financial management. Topics include forms of business organization, taxes, analysis of financial performance, financial planning, financial markets and interest rates, time value of money, bond and stock valuation, risk and return, capital budgeting, cost of capital, and international financial management.

Prerequisite(s): ACC 210 and ECO 201.

FIN 307 Financial Markets & Institutions 3 Credits

This course provides an introduction to the organization and behavior of financial markets and institutions in the economy. The factors determining security prices and interest rates in the money and capital markets are analyzed. An overview of all major financial institutions is presented. In addition, market returns, the regulatory environment, and monetary policy are examined.

Prerequisite(s): FIN 220.

FIN 308 International Finance 3 Credits

Financial management in the international environment. Topics include balance of payments, foreign exchange markets, arbitrage, hedging of currency risk, country risk management, and the evaluation of foreign investment opportunities.

Prerequisite(s): FIN 220.

FIN 309 Intermediate Corporate Finance 3 Credits

This course builds on and extends the concepts of financial management learned in FIN 220. The course examines long-term corporate financing and investment decisions and how those decisions interface with each other. Topics covered include: cost of capital, financial planning and analysis, capital budgeting, capital structure and dividend policy.

Prerequisite(s): FIN 220.

FIN 312 Investments 3 Credits

The fundamentals of investing in stocks, bonds, and other negotiable instruments are covered. Major topics include trading on securities markets, mutual funds, international investing, margin accounts, short sales, determinants of securities prices, and investment risks. Stock options, financial futures, convertible securities, and implications of taxes on investment decisions are also discussed.

Prerequisite(s): FIN 220.

FIN 340 Risk Management 3 Credits

This course examines the risk management process as applied to the firm as a whole. It integrates the management of all risks facing the firm: strategic, financial, hazard, and operational. Techniques for identifying risk, measuring and analyzing it, and selecting an appropriate treatment will be explored.

Prerequisite(s): FIN 220.

FIN 360 Fixed Income and Derivatives 3 Credits

This course centers on the quantitative portion of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) level 1 curriculum, which includes materials on fixed-income risk and return, fundamentals of risk analysis, derivative instruments and risk management applications of option strategies. The goal is to help students prepare for the exam, as well as introduce them to a variety topocs in finance.

Prerequisite(s): FIN 312.

HTH 336 Economics of Health Care System 3 Credits

This course presents ways in which economic analysis can be used to explain issues in the health care industry. Microeconomics tools will be used to describe the behavior of consumers, producers, and third parties of the health care sector. The course also investigates the role of government in regulating the health care sector, and in providing services to the poor and elderly. Finally, we will use this foundation to examine some recent changes in this industry, and to analyze the most recent proposals for further changes.

MSD 330 Predictive Modeling and Applications 3 Credits

This course covers a broad range of predictive models in the areas of parametric and non-parametric statistical methods. Examples include time series models and data mining. It focuses on building theoretical foundations underlying these methods and their applications to empirical data such as forecasting time series and classifications. Students are expected to acquire advanced predictive modeling skills and be comfortable with using statistics software R after taking this course. This is a required course for Actuarial Science students in preparation for the Society of Actuaries' “Statistics for Risk Modeling" exam, and an elective course for Business Data Analytics major and minor students who are interested in deepening their skills in predictive analytics.

Prerequisite(s): MSD 205 or MTH 341.

MSD 350 Financial Mathematics 3 Credits

A thorough treatment of the theory and applications of compound interest. Topics include the measurement of interest, elementary and general annuities, amortization schedules and sinking funds, and bonds and other securities.

Prerequisite(s): MSD 205 or equivalent. Fall.

MTH 210 Calculus I 4 Credits

Introduces analytic geometry, functions, limits, and derivatives; differentiation of algebraic and trigonometric functions, curve sketching, maxima and minima, and higher derivatives.

Prerequisite(s): Math SAT 650 or higher or Math ACT score of 28 or higher or MTH 105 or MTH 106 with a grade of C or higher.

MTH 211 Calculus II 4 Credits

The definite integral, differentiation of transcendental functions, methods of integration and approximate integration, determination of area, volume, and surface area.

Prerequisite(s): MTH 210 with a grade of C or higher.

MTH 212 Calculus III 4 Credits

Infinite series; functions of two and three variables, vectors and tangent planes, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, determination of volume and density.

Prerequisite(s): MTH 211 with a grade of C or higher.

MTH 240 Linear Algebra 3 Credits

Systems of linear equations; vector spaces; linear independence; determinants; orthogonality; linear maps; eigenvectors.

Prerequisite(s): MTH 210 or as corequisite; sophomore standing; or permission of instructor.

MTH 340 Probability & Statistical Analysis I 3 Credits

Theory of sets and probability; discrete and continuous random variables and probability distributions. Emphasizes foundations and utilizes the techniques of the calculus.

Prerequisite(s): MTH 212 or MSD 111.

MTH 341 Probability & Statistical Analysis II 3 Credits

Continuation of MTH 340. Foundations of mathematical statistics: normal distributions, estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing; topics chosen from student’s t- test, chi-square tests, analysis of variance and regression analysis. Emphasizes foundations and utilizes the techniques of the calculus.

Prerequisite: MTH 340. Spring.