
General Remarks

Piano at Westminster Choir College has multiple dimensions at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. It fosters the development of students who perform on a high level as soloists, as artist-teachers and as collaborators with other performing artists. A strong foundation of technique and knowledge of piano literature and style are essential to all of these aspects of pianism. The department also provides instruction for undergraduate students who need keyboard skills in order to function effectively throughout their professional careers.

Programs of Study

Piano Primary: Undergraduate
Piano Primary: Graduate
Piano Secondary: Undergraduate
Piano as an Elective
Piano Performance Class

Piano Primary: Undergraduate

Piano primary students majoring in Bachelor of Arts in Music or Music Education are expected to play once each semester in performance class. Seniors give a full or half recital, as determined by the instructor and the department following the jury examination at the end of the junior year. Freshmen have required juries at the end of each semester; sophomores and juniors, at the end of each year.

Piano Primary: Graduate

Graduate piano primary students majoring in Sacred Music or Music Education receive private lessons and are required to present a half recital. Students are expected to play at least twice in performance class each semester. Annual juries are required.

Piano Secondary: Undergraduate

All undergraduate voice primary students must enroll for piano secondary study until the capstone course (PI 204PI 205PI 207, or PI 208) is passed. Instruction is in the form of piano classes. Incoming undergraduates take a placement test and may be required to successfully complete PI 045 before beginning the sequence of Piano Secondary courses. The sequence consists of four courses: PI 103PI 104PI 203 and the capstone course, each of which must be passed with a grade of B- or higher.

For any student with a double major that includes the Bachelor of Music in Music Education or the Bachelor of Music in Music Education/Master of Arts in Teaching degree program, that student must successfully complete PI 204, the Piano Secondary capstone course. For any other student with a double major, not including the B.M. in Music Education or the B.M. in Music Education/M.A.T. degree program, the capstone course required for that student will be determined by the piano secondary faculty and coordinator of Piano Secondary in consultation with the Associate Dean.

Instruction entails study and performance of piano literature from the Baroque through the 21st Century as well as development of proficiency in areas of functional keyboard skills. If the capstone is passed in fewer than four semesters, further study is not required.

Piano as an Elective

Students may elect private instruction in piano for credit. There are no audition requirements, but an extra fee is charged. Elective lessons are provided on a space-available basis to qualified students.

Piano Performance Class

This is a weekly recital and lecture hour during which programs are given by students and guest performers. Attendance and participation at weekly studio and performance classes is required for all undergraduate and graduate piano primary students. All Westminster Choir College students are invited to attend.


James Goldsworthy • Professor, Piano, 1996. B.M., M.M., Southern Methodist University; D.M.A., Stanford University.

David Leifer  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Piano, 2011. B.M., M.M., Westminster Choir College of Rider University; D.M.A. University of Michigan.

Ingrid Clarfield • Professor Emerita, Piano, 1982. B.M., Oberlin College; M.M., Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
Phyllis Lehrer • Professor Emerita, Piano, 1975. A.B., University of Rochester; M.S., Juilliard School.