Academic Support Services

Rider University offers a wide array of academic support services.  Additional information regarding each of these can be found on Rider’s website.

Academic Success Center

Offers free tutoring and other programs to enhance learning and development.

Career Development and Success

Provides resume assistance, interview preparation, job search and postings, networking, career fairs, graduate school preparation, alumni services, employer partnerships and more.


Responsible for academic records, registration processing, degree and attendance verification, transcripts, grade reporting, veterans services, and maintenance of the student and course information systems.

Rider University Library

The University Library support the student's academic journey by offering in-person and virtual consultations with librarians for information and research needs, quiet study areas and collaborative workspace, and technology such as virtual reality (VR).

Student Accessibility and Support Services

Ensures equal access by providing services for all students with qualifying documented disabilities.

TRIO Student Support Services

A comprehensive academic support program designed to increase performance, retention, and graduation rates, primarily of first-generation college students.