Course Credits

Course Credits

Rider University maintains a 13-week semester, followed by five days of examinations. 

Rider uses the true number of minutes per hour-long session; i.e., a one-hour meeting is actually 60 minutes.  Three-credit classes meet for 60, 90, or 180 minutes, corresponding to, respectively and typically, 3, 2, or 1 meetings per week. 

In the College of Arts and Sciences all performance courses receive credit:

  • All ensembles receive 1 credit
  • Other performance-based courses receive 1-3 credits
  • Westminster Choir College students enrolled in PI 045, or TH 045 receive credit toward their semester course load, but such credits do not count toward graduation.

In the College of Education and Human Services:

  • A full-semester Student Teaching experience receives 12 credits

Applied music instruction receives 1-3 credits.