Academic Load/Overload

Academic Load/Overload

The normal maximum academic load for fall/spring students shall not exceed 17 semester credit hours per semester. The normal maximum academic load for Westminster Choir College students shall not exceed 18 semester credit hours per semester.  Permission to exceed these loads must be obtained from the student’s academic dean’s office.   

Westminster Choir College students may exceed the normal maximum academic load after passing 24 credits and attaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.  All other students may exceed the normal maximum academic load after passing 45 semester credit hours and attaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.  

Students may enroll for a maximum of 14 credits during Summer I and II combined with no more than 7 credits per Summer I and Summer II.  These maximums may be exceeded only with the permission of the student’s academic dean’s office. For consideration of an overload, a student must have earned a minimum of 75 credits and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA. Decisions will be made by the student’s college/school associate/assistant dean. 

Students may take up to three credits (one course) in J-Term. This policy is designed in support student success in an intensive three-week format. Students with extenuating circumstances may request permission to overload from their academic dean's office. For consideration of an overload, a student must have earned at least 75 credits and maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average or higher. Decisions will be made by the student’s college/school associate/assistant dean. 

This policy applies to students approved to take courses off-campus during winter and summer sessions. 

Students should understand that for every hour spent in class, they are expected to spend two to three hours studying outside of class time, and should therefore plan their academic load accordingly. Study time may vary based on the student's background knowledge and class difficulty.

Students who exceed the normal load are required to pay an overload per credit fee for each credit over 18, except in the case of non-billable hours. 

Students should consult with their academic advisor before requesting an overload.

Students on Conditional Academic Standing may not register for an academic overload.