Professional MBA (PMBA)

Courses and Descriptions

PMBA 8000 Executive Communications 3 Credits

Professionals spend about seventy percent (70%) of their work-time communicating with other people. It is therefore no surprise that, without good communication skills, it is impossible to succeed in one’s workplace. Yet, effective communication skills do not come naturally for most people. This course aims to prepare you to speak compellingly, write clearly and concisely, listen actively and critically, and persuade others by constructing sound arguments. To that end, we will learn the key aspects of communication: audience analysis, communicator credibility, message construction, and delivery. Deliverables will include written documents and oral presentations, as well as both individual and team presentations. Importantly, in doing so, you will enhance your leadership potential in your workplace by motivating your colleagues, team, and organization to work toward important goals.

PMBA 8010 Information Technology Proficiency 1.5 Credits

Computing proficiency requires understanding implications of advanced information technologies and the ability to successfully apply these technologies in an increasingly global society. This course will enable students to effectively use specific information systems tools (spreadsheet and database management) to begin to design applications for effective decision making.

PMBA 8020 Fundamentals of Accounting 3 Credits

For those students having no previous knowledge of accounting. Subject is approached from the point of view of the user of accounting information rather than that of the accountant who supplies the information. Surveys mechanics of accounting as a means to an end, emphasizing accounting as a tool of management and the language of business. Problems and cases bring out the managerial implications of accounting.

PMBA 8030 Economic Analysis 3 Credits

An intensive exposition of the essentials of price theory and income and employment theory. For students with less than a year of introductory economics at the undergraduate level. Topics include an analysis of markets, the nature and characteristics of producer behavior, the theory of pricing in competitive and non competitive markets, and their welfare effects. At the macro level, coverage of the economy in the short run deals with economic fluxuations, fiscal policy, and monetary policy. An examination of the ecomony in the long run covers factors effecting economic growth.

PMBA 8040 Basic Financial Principles 1.5 Credits

The central unifying theme of this course is valuation. Valuation is the basis for decisions in all major areas of finance. This course begins with a discussion of basic concepts including time value of money and its application for valuation of stocks and bonds and analysis of risk and return. Further application of valuation for capital investment projects made by a firm is explored by introducing the techniques of capital budgeting.

PMBA 8051 Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis 3 Credits

Covers basic statistical techniques useful in business decision making. Includes descriptive statistics, event probability, random variables, sampling distributions, regression analysis and topics in statistical inference.

PMBA 8052 Models and Methods of Operations Management 1.5 Credits

This course provides students with some of the most frequently used quantitative tools necessary in analyzing and resolving issues and problems in managing service and/or manufacturing operations. These tools are required in PMBA 8250 Operations and Supply Chain Management

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8051.

PMBA 8060 Basic Marketing Principles 1.5 Credits

The purpose of this course is to provide students with an operational understanding of basic marketing principles and concepts. This will be done through interactive exercises and discussions based both on primary source and textbook readings as well as discussions and critical examinations of current marketing practices in companies and industries of interest to the students. Topics covered include environmental analysis, target marketing, product and service strategy, integrated marketing communications, channels of distribution, pricing practices, and the interface between marketing and corporate strategic planning.

PMBA 8070 Management: Theory & Application 1.5 Credits

A foundation course that provides an introduction to the theory and practice of management. The management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling provide an organizing framework for examining current management challenges (e.g. globalization, ethics, diversity, and multidimensional organizational structures).

PMBA 8210 Information Technology Management 3 Credits

This course introduces the theory and practice of Information and Communication technologies deployment in organizations. This includes planning, analysis, design, and implementation of computer-based management information systems (MIS). The course emphasizes an understanding of emergent cutting-edge technological phenomena and the effect of information systems on the practice of management.

PMBA 8220 Strategic Accounting for Manager 3 Credits

This course emphasizes the issues encountered by managers regarding performance measurement, incentives, ethics and strategic management accounting tools. Students will learn to recognize ethical issues and apply a code of conduct to those issues, understand the criteria for recognizing revenue, analyze cash flows for investment decisions, compute measures of returns on investments, and understand the uses of a Balance Scorecard in performance evaluation. This course will also cover transfer pricing issues and methods in domestic and international settings, the application of differential analysis to a variety of short-run decisions, and the application of traditional costing methods, activity-based costing, activity-based management, and target costing to products and services. Preparation of a master budget and its role in planning, control, and decision making is also discussed. This course is not open to MAcc students.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8020.

PMBA 8230 Managerial Economics 3 Credits

Focuses on using economic methods for making managerial decisions affecting the value of the firm. Topics include demand analysis, production and costs, employment decisions, project evaluation, profit-volume analysis and pricing strategies under a variety of settings. The course emphasizes integration between economics, accounting, and finance.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8240 Applied Corporate Finance 3 Credits

This course is designed to further develop the students’ skills through practical application of concepts and tools taught in prior finance courses. Students will learn by solving real-world case studies and learning to communicate clearly their decisions to both sophisticated and lay audiences. The primary method of instruction is the preparation, presentation, and discussion of finance cases. Each case study session will be preceded by lectures and discussion of the main theoretical concepts. The case studies considered will cover a wide range of corporate financial problems including value creation, capital budgeting, capital structure, cost of capital, and mergers and acquisitions. Throughout the course, attention will be given to the international dimensions of the issues and problems presented and discussed.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8040 and PMBA 8020.

PMBA 8250 Operations & Supply Chain Management 3 Credits

This course provides MBA students with the current knowledge and practice of operations and global supply chain management. Supply chain management has become one of the most important and talked about topics in business in recent years. Many companies have realized that they can reduce their costs, increase profits, and increase customer satisfaction by improving their supply chain practices. It is also evident that most supply chains extend beyond the borders on the U.S., and consequently, have global components and challenges. This course is designed to prepare students to meet operations and supply chain related challenges in their careers.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8051 and 8052.

PMBA 8260 Mkt Analysis & Decision Making 3 Credits

The purpose of the course is to provide the analytical skills required to understand complex marketing situations in order to develop and implement appropriate marketing strategies. The decision-making processes in the management of product planning, pricing practices, selection of channels of distribution and development of effective promotion programs are investigated. This involves identification and selection of appropriate target markets, the effective use of marketing research and recognition of organizational dynamics. The case approach is used to develop communication skills and further build team skills as students interact with peers in solving problems.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8060.

PMBA 8270 Advanced Organizational Behavior 3 Credits

A study of key individual, group, and organizational processes. At the individual level, the focus is on different personalities, job attitudes, and work motivation. The implication of individual factors is then considered in a team context focusing on the processes of communication, influence, conflict, and leadership. Finally, we examine the impact of organizational culture and change on workplace behavior. In order to integrate the individual, group, and organizational levels of study, the course emphasizes a team-based approach to learning.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8070.

PMBA 8290 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Management 3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to prepare students to meet the legal, ethical, and regulatory challenges and opportunities they will encounter as they conduct business as managers and entrepreneurs. To excel, managers and entrepreneurs must recognize that the law is important to firm success and that they must always consider the legal ramifications of their business decisions. Students will learn how to identify legal and ethical issues before they become legal problems and how to communicate and work collaboratively with legal counsel. The course begins with an overview of business ethics and social responsibility and goes on to cover the U.S. court system and the laws of contracts, torts, and intellectual property. The course covers corporate governance issues including the fiduciary duties of officers, directors, and controlling shareholders, public and private offerings of securities, and securities fraud. Environmental regulation, product quality, legal aspects of the employment relationship (as they relate to the liability of the corporation and managers for the acts of their employees), wrongful termination, discrimination, and sexual harassment will also be covered.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8303 International Business Study Tour 3 Credits

This course provides a cross-cultural perspective for conducting business outside of the United States. Students will gain a better appreciation of how culture, history, and politics influence organizational dynamics, transactions and business customs.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8311 Information Security for the Enterprise 3 Credits

This course will teach students how businesses can implement security policies which will protect their significant investment in computer systems. The course topics include but are not limited to security attacks, attack prevention and mediation and security audits. Security devices, firewalls, PC and server security, authentication methods and procedures, and network security will all be discussed. The course will be delivered through a combination of hands-on labs where students will evaluate and implement computer security on computers, and class lectures.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8210.

PMBA 8312 Business Intelligence Tech-Data Mining 3 Credits

In this course, students will learn to solve problems/exploit opportunities by processing datasets, interpreting results, and deploying solutions. This course provides hands-on experience with these tasks. Upon this base of experience, students will build a robust data mining methodology that can be applied to real-world investigations. The course of study will include Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), statistical and machine learning techniques, and unstructured text analysis. Students will learn to apply these techniques through the study of payroll, procurement, and expense report fraud. Cell phone and credit card fraud, credit and bankruptcy analysis, and customer relationship management will also be covered.

PMBA 8313 Electronic Commerce 3 Credits

Electronic commerce involves the use of information technology to improve, enhance, simplify or enable business transactions. This course examines such business, social, and technical issues of electronic commerce as the technology of the Internet, effective system strategies to attract and maintain customers, security, and electronic payment systems.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8314 Project Management 3 Credits

In our complex world of global economies and pervasive technology, change is constant. It is a persistent challenge to manage this change. It is the body of knowledge that is project management that helps managers address this change. This course will introduce students to project management for a variety of disciplines. The methods and techniques taught will be applicable not only to software development, but to any series of tasks that could constitute a project. The course content will cover the identification, approval, and management of complex projects. Various project management tools, techniques, and approaches will be covered.

PMBA 8315 Globalization and Technology 3 Credits

The emergence and growth of the global economy constitutes an epochal shift in the organization of the world. Technology has been a key component in the production and acceleration of these phenomena. This course introduces students to the latest theoretical and empirical literature on globalization as shaped by technology.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8316 Application Development for the Web 3 Credits

This class will examine application development for the Web platform in detail. Through a combination of lecture and labs, students will learn the architecture of Web applications and the skills needed to develop applications using that architecture. Specific skills learned include programming with the JavaScript programming language, creating Web pages using the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Other skills learned in this course include how to create user-friendly user interfaces, and how to retrieve and update information stored on computer servers.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8210.

PMBA 8317 Applied Data Management for Business Users 3 Credits

Learn the benefits of data sharing in a business organization , the benefits of the relational database model, how data is structured in a relational database model, and how data can be accessed in a relational database using the structured query language (SQL). The process of formatting, loading, and accessing data for data analytics will be shown as well as the interaction with data warehouse schemas such as the star schema and snowflake scheme.

PMBA 8318 Business Analysis and Design 3 Credits

This course will integrate the skills of business analysis with those of system design. Students will learn a dynamic visioning/planning process which will guide the development of a technology architecture model for the business enterprise. Students will learn requirements elicitation techniques and use cases. Design methods such as object modeling and prototyping and data modeling with enterprise relationship diagrams will also be covered.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8210.

PMBA 8319 Selected Topics in CIS 3 Credits

The study of a topic (or combination of topics) that represents some dimensions of computer information systems or has important and direct implications for CIS management. Topics recently covered include project management, data mining and data privacy. Theoretical foundations as well as applications may be explored. Readings, research, lectures, projects, discussions or other appropriate methods are employed to stimulate student learning.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8321 Managerial Taxation and Strategy 3 Credits

This course is designed for students who are embarking on (or already in) careers in investment banking, corporate finance, strategy consulting, money management, or venture capital. The focus of the course comes from integrating the tax law with the fundamentals of corporate finance and microeconomics.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8020.

PMBA 8324 Financial Accounting & Report 3 Credits

Focus is on analysis and evaluation of alternative accounting methods and the relationship to company policy. Insight is gained through the reading of articles in leading accounting and financial periodicals and Internet research. Cases demonstrating financial reporting methods are assigned and discussed in class. Term project required. Topics include financial instruments, earnings per share, deferred taxes, post-retirement benefits and the accounting rule-making process.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8020 and PMBA 8040.

PMBA 8325 Enterprise Risk Management 3 Credits

This course explores current issues and world-class practices of risk management at an organizational level. Emphasis will be placed on the overall risk management cycle of identifying, assessing, responding and managing strategic, reputational, financial and operational risks using contemporary risk management tools.

Prerequisites: ACC 302 or ACC 302P or PMBA 8220.

PMBA 8326 Principles of Risk Management 3 Credits

The objective of this course is to provide students with a broad framework for evaluating all types of risk, along with conceptual tools for making risk management decisions rationally. The course focuses on studying the risk assessment and management techniques, methods, and predictive models used in industry to minimize, control, and communicate risks, including conducting various risk management protocols. This course covers the fundamental knowledge for the Associate in Risk Management (ARM) Designation of Institutes. Students who have earned credits for MSD 260 or equivalent cannot take PMBA 8326 for credit. Pre-requisite(s): PMBA 8010.

PMBA 8335 International Trade & Investment 3 Credits

A study of the international economy in which business firms operate, and public policies that influence their activities. Includes international trade theory, balance of payments analysis, the international monetary system, barriers to trade, and the role of multinational corporations. This course applies to the Global Business concentration. This course will satisfy the International elective requirement.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8336 Risk Assessment and Analysis 3 Credits

This course teaches students how to evaluate, and successfully treat risk in different organizations with advanced techniques. Students will learn about risk assessment methodologies, and different tools for risk analysis to avoid, retain, transfer, and benefit from risk. By the end of the course, students will have the skills to apply risk assessment and analysis methods in real-world situations. This course provides additional knowledge and hands-on experience for the Associate in Risk Management (ARM) Designation of Institutes. Students who have earned credits for MSD 361 or equivalent cannot take PMBA 8336 for credit. Pre-requisite(s): PMBA 8326.

PMBA 8341 Corporate Treasury Management 3 Credits

This course is designed to provide an understanding of modern principles and techniques for corporate treasury management. The course materials are useful for finance, banking, accounting and information system professionals or small business owners. Topics include analysis of liquidity and solvency, credit and accounts receivable management, cash collection and disbursement systems, short-term investment and borrowing, management of treasury information and technology, multinational cash management, and other related topics. Success in this course will help students preparing for the Certified Cash Manager (CCM) exam.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8040.

PMBA 8343 Investment Instruments and Strategies 3 Credits

Principles of investment analysis and portfolio management. Includes analysis of stocks and fixed income securities, mutual funds, international investing, margin trading and short sales, convertibles, stock options and financial futures. Hedging strategies, market forecasting and tax advantaged investments are also discussed. Makes considerable use of problems to illustrate concepts.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8040.

PMBA 8344 Financial Market Operations 3 Credits

Flow of funds analysis is used to study financial intermediation and interest rate determination in money and capital markets. Includes the flow of funds accounts, funds flow through financial institutions, the demands for and supply of credit by economic sectors, and the impact of public policies on financial market behavior.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8040.

PMBA 8345 International Financial Management 3 Credits

The techniques of multinational financial management are developed for enterprises that do business in more than one country and/or have assets and liabilities denominated in more than one currency. The management of foreign exchange and country risks is applied to working capital, capital budgeting, and capital structure decisions.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8040.

PMBA 8346 Financial Modeling 3 Credits

Spreadsheets are utilized to analyze problems and cases. Students receive instruction in computer use beyond that available in other finance courses. Spreadsheet applications include valuation models, cost of capital, capital budgeting, risk and return, portfolio analysis, stock market analysis, and options and futures.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8040.

PMBA 8347 Portfolio Management 3 Credits

Real-world application of the concepts and techniques of investment analysis and portfolio theory. Students interact with and make recommendations to professional portfolio managers. Topics include stock valuation methods, major forces driving movements in current equity markets, international investment opportunities, industry analysis, technical analysis and investment timing, evaluation of portfolio performance, analysis of business conditions and interest rates, and hedging portfolio risk with stock index options and financial futures.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8040.

PMBA 8348 Fixed Income Securities and Alternative Investments 3 Credits

This is an introductory course in fixed income securities and alternative investments. The first part of the course covers the markets for fixed income securities and their derivatives. Valuation of these securities and determination of the risk inherent in these securities are discussed. Methods for managing that risk, such as hedging and credit derivatives, are also discussed. The second part of the course covers a variety of alternative investments, including real estate funds, venture capital, hedge funds, and commodities. Valuation of these investments and determination of their risk are discussed.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8040 or any MAcc student with PMBA 8020 completed.

PMBA 8349 Personal Financial Planning 3 Credits

This course provides a background and an appreciation of the fundamental concepts and processes associated with Personal Financial Management. Various technical elements that are part of the study for a Certified Financial Planner certification will be covered including risk management, investments, tax planning, retirement planning, employee benefits, and estate planning.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8040 or any MAcc student with PMBA 8020 completed.

PMBA 8351 Business Analytics Fundamentals 3 Credits

This course introduces (i) data analysis tools that are appropriate for generating useful information for decision-making and (ii) a framework for analyzing decisions based on partial information. Examples from financial analysis, marketing, and operations management are used to illustrate applications of the topics covered. Microsoft Excel and associated add-ins are used for the purpose of analysis. Students who have earned credits for CIS 350 or equivalent cannot take PMBA 8351 for credit.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8051.

PMBA 8352 Design Thinking and Innovation 3 Credits

This graduate course on Design Thinking and Innovation provides students with a framework for dealing with unstructured problems, and for managing the innovation process. This course introduces students to design thinking as a systematic approach to innovation, but also guide students through the process to identify and translate broadly defined opportunities into actionable innovation possibilities. Students who have earned credits for CIS 388 or equivalent cannot take PMBA 8352 for credit.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8210.

PMBA 8353 Digital Futures 3 Credits

This course is a holistic course drawing on all areas of Information Technology. It leverages the in-depth understanding of Technology that MSIS students possess and transforms such knowledge into a new skill set of strategic leadership development at the level of the firm, economy and society. It will enable the student to assess and respond to challenges in their current work environment as well as develop strategic leadership capacity going into the future. Case studies and readings will familiarize students with literature on rapid technology-led transformations such as Schumpeterian theories of ‘creative destruction’ and derivative theories of technological restructuring at the scale of an industry such as disruptive technology/innovation. Students will be engaged in a discussion of multi-firm cases of strategic innovation and will examine policy decisions by the firm and various ethical dilemmas engendered by technological changes of the last four decades.

Prerequisites: PMBA 8210.

PMBA 8354 Quality Assurance and Total Quality Mgt 3 Credits

This course integrates the concepts of statistical quality control and the practices of today’s leading companies in creating systems of total quality management (TQM). Considers how various business functions (e.g., production, engineering and design of products and services, purchasing raw materials, providing technical assistance to customers, and statistical quality control) and their interrelationships can be used to create high-quality products, and, thus, high levels of customer satisfaction. Includes traditional statistical methods for process control, acceptance sampling, reliability and quality improvement, as well as numerous examples of U.S. and foreign firms at the cutting edge of TQM. Introduces current thinking of leading figures in TQM.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8355 Visual Analytics 3 Credits

This graduate course will equip the students with the fundamental skills to perform visual analytics with Tableau. Specifically, students will learn how to prepare a dataset for visual analysis, and how to “tell a good story” using basic and advanced visualizations. At the completion of this course, students will be able to apply best visualization practices and create effective visualizations to convey analytical insights to a business audience. Students who have earned credits for BDA 205 or equivalent cannot take PMBA 8355 for credit.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8351.

PMBA 8358 Data-Driven Strategies for Business 3 Credits

In this course, several real-world business problems will be presented as case studies for the application of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Relevant business areas for these problems include online recommendations, healthcare, sports management, marketing, and revenue management. Through these business case studies, students will (1) define a real-world problem in the context of business analytics (2) develop hands-on experience on implementing analytics methodologies (3) learn to derive and communicate insights from analytics results and (4) practice the formulation of data-driven strategies.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8051, PMBA 8351.

PMBA 8361 Business to Business Marketing 3 Credits

The practices and policies used in the marketing of goods and services to business and industrial buyers are analyzed, focusing on the market and demand for products, marketing research, product planning, channels of distribution, pricing policies and practices and the development of sales program and service policies.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8060.

PMBA 8362 Marketing Communications 3 Credits

This course dynamically blends the concepts and issues of integrated marketing communications with real world experiences. It is highly interactive, with students spending time in teams creating solutions, presenting, and feeling the experience of being in real life marketing communications situations. Students also will be exposed to current and classic literature pertaining to the course content.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8060.

PMBA 8363 Consumer Behavior 3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to provide the analytical skills required to understand the nature of consumer decision making and internal and external factors that influence buying decisions in order to develop and implement appropriate marketing strategies. A case study approach is utilized in this course. This will be done through the analysis of actual marketing problems faced by a variety of organizations. The readings and class discussions will also include internal and external influences on consumer behavior, marketing research tools, marketing strategies to reach consumers and shape consumers’ opinions, the role of marketing communications and marketing mix elements in creating a unique value proposition, and managing consumer relationships.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8060.

PMBA 8364 Marketing Research 3 Credits

An overview of the subject matter which will assist students in developing an appreciation for the use by marketing management of marketing research and marketing information systems in making marketing decisions. Topics include specific research procedures for gathering, processing, analyzing and presenting information relevant to marketing problems in such areas as: advertising effectiveness, product development, distribution channels, sales techniques, consumer behavior, and forecasting study of research planning, implementation, and interpretation of findings is facilitated by the use of cases or projects.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8060.

PMBA 8365 International Marketing Management 3 Credits

Examination of the nature and scope of global marketing activities, including the theoretical framework of international marketing, foreign marketing environments, multinational markets, MNC information systems, strategic marketing decisions, and organization for transnational marketing. This course applies to the Global Business concentration.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8060.

PMBA 8369 Selected Topics in Marketing 3 Credits

The study of a topic (or combination of topics) that represents some dimension of marketing or has important and direct implications for marketing management. Theoretical foundations as well as special applications of marketing decision-making may be explored. Readings, research, lectures, discussions or other appropriate methods are employed to stimulate student learning.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8060.

PMBA 8371 Human Resource Management 3 Credits

This course is an introduction to the field of human resource management (HRM). The goal is to provide students with an understanding of current corporate HR practices. Common HR problems and the tools and procedures for dealing with them will be discussed. Contemporary topics such as strategic HR planning, international staffing, career planning, workforce diversity, work/family balance, and work motivation will be examined. EEO guidelines and their implications for human resource functions will be discussed as well. A combination of conceptual and experiential approaches include discussions, case studies, exercises, small group activities, and lectures.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8070.

PMBA 8372 Management Skills 3 Credits

This is a practicum in interpersonal skills that are useful for practicing managers. Topics include motivating oneself and others, persuasive communication, creative problem-solving, managing conflict, using power constructively, managing change, and team management. Students are given opportunities to practice these skills in class and are asked to apply them to their current lives and report on the results of their applications. The course will provide students with a better understanding of the art of managing and of themselves as current or future managers.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8070.

PMBA 8375 International Management 3 Credits

This course focuses on the complexities of working and managing in a global business environment. Emphasis is placed on cross-cultural awareness, international communication, and negotiations. Students will explore the effect of culture on organizational behavior, managerial decision making, and global leadership.

Prerequisite: PMBA 8070.

PMBA 8376 Org Development & Effectiveness 3 Credits

This course focuses on Organization Development (OD), a discipline concerned with improving organizational effectiveness by means of planned, systematic interventions. The course will acquaint students with OD concepts, techniques, and skills. The course provides opportunities for students to explore and enhance their personal skills as change agents and consultants. The teaching/learning process emphasizes experiential activities and case analysis.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8377 Managing Workforce Diversity 3 Credits

This course explores the opportunities and challenges of the increasingly diverse workforce emerging in the U.S. today. It will address the knowledge and skills managers must develop in working with others who are different from themselves. Some of these differences are obvious - gender, race, age, and physical characteristics. Other differences are not as easily observed such as family structure, educational level, social class, and sexual orientation. Understanding and valuing diversity requires attitudinal self-assessment and change. Values, stereotypes, and prejudices will be explored through readings, reflective writing, and active involvement in discussions, projects, and activities.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8070.

PMBA 8380 Business Analytics Optimization 3 Credits

This course has been designed to provide professional MBA students with the current knowledge and practice of optimization business analysts use. Optimization aims at selecting the best alternative from among available alternatives according to a predetermined objective. In general it involves building a mathematical model and finding the best alternative through a mathematical procedure. Optimization techniques help decision-makers make fact (i.e. data) based decisions and offer the potential of making significant profits or cost savings. The main focus of this course will be on developing modeling skills to gain insight into a wide variety of business decision problems. In other words, the emphasis in this course will be on modeling practical business decision problems, use of relevant software for optimal solution, interpretation of results, and sensitivity analysis rather than the theory of mathematical solution techniques. Coverage of course material will follow the typical sequence of (1) identification and discussion of a business decision problem; (2) developing a graphical model (e.g. influence diagram); (3) developing a mathematical model; (4) computer solution; (5) interpretation of results and sensitivity analysis; (6) discussion of insights gained from the experience; (7) discussion of implementation issues. In addition, heuristics will be discussed when optimization techniques are not available or too costly.

Prerequisites: PMBA 8010 and PMBA 8051.

PMBA 8383 Entrepreneurship 3 Credits

The course deals with new business venture start-up. Topics include entrepreneurship concepts and characteristics, new venture types and pros/cons, choice of products/services, market study, marketing planning, financing, and business plan preparation. Practical exercises in developing business plans for new business ventures are part of the course.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8384 Consulting for New and Small Ventures 3 Credits

This course provides experience-based learning to students through the use of student teams to assist area small businesses/organizations. These small firms could have a variety of needs ranging from market research, improving financial reporting and bookkeeping, business planning, streamlining operational procedures, etc. This course will provide students the opportunity to experience in-depth analysis of an individual organization. The emphasis is on student consultants generating immediate, actionable recommendations for the client. Thus, this course is useful not only for those considering small business ownership, but provides an opportunity to students to learn entrepreneurial thinking.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses and permission of instructor.

PMBA 8385 New Venture Launch 3 Credits

Students will start and run a new venture while under the supervision and guidance of faculty. Students will take a business plan they have developed and execute it. This is an opportunity to experience the launch process and learn hands-on how to adapt to the marketplace. Some businesses started in this class may also be eligible to receive venture funding from Rider.

PMBA 8386 Green Entrepreneurship 3 Credits

This course is both a traditionally academic graduate course and a practical, case study based, business development course. Lectures will present the scientific, technical, financial, and business underpinnings required to understand the rationale for and the range of solutions possible that businesses can utilize when initiating or developing sustainable practices or new entrepreneurs can consider as they develop new businesses. Students will be learning about real business examples and discussing how the technical aspects of sustainability interact with the more practical and immediate demands of running a business – making a profit and maintaining positive cash flow while acting ethically.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8389 Tax Planning for Entrepreneurs 3 Credits

The business and personal finances of an entrepreneur are integrally related. Often personal resources fund business operations and business resources fund individual necessities and obligations. This course is designed to familiarize the entrepreneur with wealth maximization and tax minimization strategies for business and personal activities. This course covers basic tax compliance concepts and includes personal financial planning and estate planning issues. Not open to MAcc students.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8397 Evidence Management and Presentation 3 Credits

This course addresses legal issues and practical considerations involved in the collection, acquisition, analysis and storage of digital evidence and presentation of digital and technical evidence to judges, juries and other decision makers. The law of evidence and its implications for the manner and method technical evidence is acquired and presented for consideration in court or in other proceedings (i.e. criminal, civil, or administrative). Requirements and preparation for the presentation of technical evidence as an expert or fact witness.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8402 The Business of Sports 3 Credits

This course examines diverse managerial issues involving the sports industry. The course covers topics at the league level, the team level, the athlete-agent level, and the college level. The constituencies with interests in sports issues such as athletes, fans, media, companies, advertisers, and legislators are discussed along with global aspects of sports enterprises. Valuation issues related to sports teams are also covered. The course is designed to integrate all aspects of businesses as they apply to sports with an emphasis on strategy, management, marketing, and finance.

PMBA 8403 Sport Analytics 3 Credits

This course will address the theory, development, and application of analytics in sports. Analytics refers to the use of data and quantitative methods to measure performance and make decisions. Students will learn about the application of analytics in sports for purposes of strategy, player performance, team management, sports operations, and fantasy competitions. The class will consist of hands-on labs, a data project, a research project, quizzes, and online discussions. Students will work on projects related to the use of analytics in the various professional sports leagues and college sports. This course assumes a basic level of skill working with Microsoft Excel.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8051 or waiver.

PMBA 8404 Sports Marketing 3 Credits

This course explores the complex and diverse nature of sports marketing. It applies fundamental marketing concepts to the sports industry, including the marketing mix, consumer behavior, marketing research, segmentation analysis, and assessment of marketing programs specific to sports. Guidelines for the formulation of marketing plans and strategies will be included. Trends, issues, and problems influencing the industry will also be examined. Discussions cover professional, collegiate, non-profit, and other areas of the sport industry.

PMBA 8405 Legal and Ethical Issues in Sports 3 Credits

The purpose of the course is to familiarize the students with the business of sports and various issues related to sports management. Legal, ethical, economic, social and managerial issues related to sports will be addressed. Sports law issues which will be covered include tort law, contract law, employment discrimination, antitrust law and constitutional law. Also covered will be the structures and authority of the organizations involved in amateur and professional athletics.

PMBA 8491 Business Law 3 Credits

Considers in depth the law relating to the sale of goods, commercial paper, and secured transactions as promulgated by the Uniform Commercial Code. Explores warranties, guarantees, remedies, and product liability. Also considers the law of agency, partnerships and corporations. International dimensions of sales law and related topics are addressed. Students who have taken BUS 211 Commercial Law or BUS 214 Advanced Business Law cannot take this course. This elective is particularly appropriate for students in the MAcc program and in anticipation of CPA law requirement.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 210 Introduction to Law: Contracts or its equivalent at another college or university; requires completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8492 Ethical Issues in International Business 3 Credits

This course is an introduction to identifying, analyzing and resolving ethical dilemmas in both U.S. and international business, including reference to legal and regulatory issues. The course begins with a general introduction to ethics, considers ethical issues connected with the economic, legal and regulatory systems within which modern business takes place and heavily emphasizes contemporary cases that illustrate a wide range of ethical issues, including cases resulting in civil and criminal litigation. The primary focus of this course will be ethics in the international business environment. Most of the readings and discussion board topics, the group case studies and the individual research paper will have an international focus.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8880 Strategic Management 3 Credits

This course provides an understanding of the strategic management process. Students will analyze and discuss concepts and cases relating to strategic management, make strategic decisions for a hypothetical company in the online computer simulation project, and develop a detailed action plan to resolve a hypothetical business situation. This course will cover the analysis of the strategic process of studying and forecasting the external environment of the firm, assessing the present and future enterprise strengths and weaknesses, setting enterprise goals with recognition of personal and societal goals, and evaluating performance and progress toward those goals. Provides the student with an integrated view of the functional decisions and corporate strategy.

Prerequisite(s): All other MBA breadth courses.

PMBA 8902 Independent Studies in Business Administration 3 Credits

Involves a program determined by the individual faculty member and approved by the program director. Written assignments are required as part of this rigorous academic experience. Students are eligible for a maximum of one independent elective and should have completed at least three breadth courses prior to the start of the independent study.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses and permission of the Dean.

PMBA 8905 Internship 1-3 Credits

In order to supplement in-class learning with practical training, an internship may be taken for up to three elective credits. The internship may not be performed at a student’s current employer. An internship may only be taken if the student has been enrolled for at least one full academic year and, during the semester they receive credit for the internship, the student is taking at least three graduate-level classes (including the internship course). The course will be supervised by a full-time faculty member and will follow a structure similar to that of an independent study. Course grades will be determined by evaluations from the student's on-site supervisor, as well as the sponsoring faculty member.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses and permission of the Dean.

PMBA 8906 Selected Topics in Business Administration 3 Credits

The study of a timely topic that represents a dimension of business administration not covered in a regular course. Such a topic may be offered by any department of business administration. The nature of the course will be described in the appendix of the registration materials for the semester when the course will be offered.

Prerequisite(s): To be announced and completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8907 Selected Topics in Business Administration 3 Credits

The study of a timely topic that represents a dimension of business administration not covered in a regular course. Such a topic may be offered by any department of business administration. The nature of the course will be described in the appendix of the registration materials for the semester when the course will be offered.

Prerequisite(s): To be announced and completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8908 Selected Topics in Business Administration 3 Credits

The study of a timely topic that represents a dimension of business administration not covered in a regular course. Such a topic may be offered by any department of business administration. The nature of the course will be described in the appendix of the registration materials for the semester when the course will be offered.

Prerequisite(s): To be announced and completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8909 Selected Topics in Business Administration 3 Credits

The study of a timely topic that represents a dimension of business administration not covered in a regular course. Such a topic may be offered by any department of business administration. The nature of the course will be described in the appendix of the registration materials for the semester when the course will be offered.

Prerequisite(s): To be announced and completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8989 Spec Topics Entrepreneurship 3 Credits

Special Topics in Entrepreneurship.