Counseling Psychology (CNPY)

Courses and Descriptions

CNPY 502 Theories of Counseling and Helping Professions 3 Credits

Introduces the theoretical constructs of the primary theories being used in counseling and other helping professions, such as coaching. The theoretical constructs will be explored for use in self-reflection and self-development and to serve as the basis for development of psychological maps for understanding purposes of clients’ behaviors.

Prerequisite(s): COUN 500 with a minimum grade of D or concurrent enrollment.

CNPY 503 Psychological Development of the Adult and Aging 3 Credits

Surveys psychological principles applied to counseling services with emphasis on developmental processes, individual differences, and mental health. Concepts and theoretical orientations to human adult development and transitions throughout the adult life span. The analysis, interpretation, and practical implications of significant research that has contributed most to the knowledge of human development of the adult and aging will be examined.

CNPY 514 Psychopathology 3 Credits

A survey of the study of abnormal psychology. Includes classification, assessment, and treatment and prevention of psychopathology. Characteristics of healthy psychological functioning are examined. Biological, psychological, and sociocultural bases of well-adjusted and maladjusted behavior patterns are considered. Stress, anxiety, and milder forms of psychopathology are considered, as are more severe psychopathological conditions.

CNPY 515 Consultation in School and Agency Settings 3 Credits

This course provides an introduction to school and agency based consultation theories and practices. Contemporary models of consultation are presented with students’ emphasis on mental health, behavioral, and systems approach. In addition to the study of conceptual models, the development of skills in the consultation process in school and/or agency settings is emphasized. Students engage in behavioral consultations with consultees in approved placements.

CNPY 516 Advanced Psychopathology 3 Credits

An in-depth study of psychopathology with emphasis on developmental and personality disorders, and physiological disturbances. Includes assessment, classification, and treatment with emphasis on utilization in a variety of counseling and school settings. Biological, pathological, pharmacological bases of mental disorders are introduced and discussed in relationship to specific disorder classifications.

Prerequisite(s): CNPY 514 or VL45 with a score of WV or permission of instructor.

CNPY 518 Counseling Children, Adolescents and Families 3 Credits

This course will emphasize counselor and consultant behaviors that facilitate the helping process with children, adolescents, and their families. Information and activities will be provided that address age, ethnic, and developmental considerations in counseling children and adolescents. Issues and practices related to crisis intervention will be explored.