Teacher Leadership Professional Development Certificate

Teacher Leadership Professional Development Certificate Requirements

(36 credits)

Teacher Leadership Core Courses
CURR 552Creative, Ethical Teacher Leadership3
EDAD 505Supervisor/Teacher Leadership for Improved Instruction and Student Learning3
CURR 531Strategies for Curriculum Development, Innovation and Change3
CURR 538Assessment of Curriculum and Instruction to Improve the Performance of Teachers and Diverse Learners3
EDAD 521Using Research Strategies and Analysis of Data to Make Decisions in Schools3
EDAD 511Group Process in Supervision for Creative Change and Collaboration in Schools3
EDAD 510Seminar/Practicum in Teacher Leadership and Supervision3
Concentration Options
Select five courses from any of the Concentration Options listed :15
English as a Second Language Education
Inclusive Practices in Education
Mathematics Education
Science Education
Gifted Education and Creativity
Total Credits36

Courses and Descriptions

CURR 552 Creative, Ethical Teacher Leadership 3 Credits

In order to be effective, teacher leaders require in-depth understanding of the complex, threat-filled, 21st-century globalized environment that provides the context for their work. They must understand the problems, opportunities, and pressures generated by the current socioeconomic, political, and cultural system of the United States, which is characterized by dogmatism-saturated disputes over the purposes of education and the allocation of resources. In addition, they must appreciate the ways in which the larger forces of globalization influence these national trends and issues. Finally, they must understand the ways in which the principles of wise, ethical, intelligent, and creative leadership can help them and their colleagues in their efforts to maintain and strengthen student learning in these daunting conditions.

EDAD 505 Supervisor/Teacher Leadership for Improved Instruction and Student Learning 3 Credits

This course will explore the supervisory and evaluation practices in K-12 settings by examining and identifying the relationships among collegiality and collaboration, educational leadership, and the improvement of instruction. This course will emphasize the development of practical observation skills and approaches and the development of appropriate professional growth plans to enhance staff performance and bring about increased student learning. Multi-track evaluation programs will be examined as well as an analysis of current observation and supervisory approaches used in school districts. Participants in the course will develop a personal supervisory platform. This course will emphasize the development of collaborative and clinical supervision approaches as well as communication skills and interpersonal qualities of the effective supervisor. Students will demonstrate course understandings through actual classroom and school applications that are referenced to state and national standards.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of Program Director.

CURR 531 Strategies for Curriculum Development, Innovation and Change 3 Credits

This course will address the importance of philosophy, historical precedents, learning theory, developmental theory, emerging social trends and issues, and recent trends in content knowledge as bases for designing and developing the K-12 curriculum. The articulation of curriculum aims and goals, the development and selection of learning experiences, the organization of learning experiences, and plans for evaluating curriculum outcomes are used as steps for developing the curriculum. Students investigate the roles teachers, teacher leaders, supervisors and administrators play in implementing curriculum designs in school settings. Students are expected to demonstrate course understandings through actual school applications and field experiences that are referenced to state and national standards.

CURR 538 Assessment of Curriculum and Instruction to Improve the Performance of Teachers and Diverse Learners 3 Credits

This course establishes the implemented curriculum by establishing the relationship between curriculum goals and the instructional strategies needed to realize those purposes. Emphasis will be placed on analyzing and using various instructional models to meet the learning expectations embodied in curriculum goals and core curriculum content standards from pre-school to high school. Students will examine instructional strategies from the perspectives of assessing research findings on effective practices, realizing curriculum standards, adapting the classroom to diverse learner needs, establishing appropriate staff development agendas, and providing forms of supervisory support to optimize learning and achievement. Students will demonstrate course understandings through actual classroom and school applications that are referenced to state adopted core curriculum content standards, professional development standards, and national school leadership standards.

Prerequisite(s): CURR 531.

EDAD 521 Using Research Strategies and Analysis of Data to Make Decisions in Schools 3 Credits

This course will develop the skills needed by educational leaders at all levels to interpret, use, and apply statistical concepts and research methodologies in critical administrative and supervisory functions. Statistical methodology will be used to further understanding of different research strategies. Students will interpret data and make informed decisions regarding the frameworks, implementation, and evaluation of instructional programs and practices designed to improve teaching and learning in school, district, and national settings. Course activities and field work will include: scenario and case study analyses; the use of critical friends’ discussion groups; the application and use of different technologies and software programs; and, the identification of appropriate problem solving and resolution strategies. Students will demonstrate course understandings through actual classroom and school applications that are referenced to state adopted core curriculum content standards, professional development standards and national school leadership standards.

Prerequisite(s): EDAD 501 and EDAD 514.

EDAD 511 Group Process in Supervision for Creative Change and Collaboration in Schools 3 Credits

This course will apply theory and research to the supervisory function of developing group capacity in educational settings. Students will identify group process "best practices" to be modeled by educational leaders. Candidates will develop and refine techniques, strategies, and personal skills facilitating the development of helping and caring relationships with faculty and staff, while promoting interactive communication with stakeholders concerned with improving teaching and learning. Students will demonstrate effective supervisory behaviors in class sessions and simulations that represent daily challenges and opportunities present in school settings. Students will demonstrate course understandings through actual classroom and school applications that are referenced to state adopted core curriculum content standards, professional development standards and national school leadership standards.

Prerequisite(s): EDAD 505 with a minimum grade of D.

EDAD 510 Seminar/Practicum in Teacher Leadership and Supervision 3 Credits

This course requires the student to self-assess supervisory leadership strengths for the purpose of establishing an agenda for an extensive site-based internship. The internship agenda is guided by national leadership standards that ensure a comprehensive exposure to supervisory responsibilities. Students deepen their understanding of supervisory theory and best practice and apply this knowledge to the development and refinement of a personal leadership platform. Considerable attention is placed on understanding the ethical basis of supervisory practice. Students will demonstrate course understandings through actual classroom and school applications that are referenced to state and national standards.

Prerequisite(s): CURR 531 with a minimum grade of D and (CURR 532 with a minimum grade of D or CURR 538 with a minimum grade of D), and EDAD 505 with a minimum grade of D, and Permission of Program Director.