Doctor of Educational Leadership

Doctor of Educational Leadership Program Requirements

(51 credits)

The following educational plan is provided as a sample only.  Students may follow a different plan to ensure a timely graduation.  Each student, with guidance from their academic advisor, will develop a personalized educational plan.

Suggested Sequence for Program Completion
Complete the following courses in the order suggested below:
Year 1 Summer 6
Strategic Management, Organizational and Moral Leadership Behavior in a Culture of Learning
Instructional Leadership and Educational Reform
Year 1 Fall6
Action Research: Principles and Methods
Educational Change, Systemic Reform, Exercising the Politics of Change
Year 1 Spring6
Community Building and Sustaining Community Partnerships
Curriculum Leadership: Transforming Teachers/Developing Teacher Talent
Year 2 Summer6
Research Proposal Development
Generating, Using, and Assessing Data Accountability and Student Assessment
Year 2 Fall6
Valuing Diversity/Equity: Developing and Fostering a Community of Learners
Finance, Fundraising and Fiscal Management
Year 2 Winter3
Qualitative Research Methods
Year 2 Spring6
Innovation and the Use of Educational Technology
Dissertation of Practice I
Year 3 Summer6
Law and Policy
Leading Programs for Diverse Learners and At Risk Students
Year 3 Fall3
Dissertation of Practice II
Year 3 Spring3
Dissertation of Practice IV
Total Credits51

Doctor of Educational Leadership Concentration in Higher Education Program Requirements

(12 credits)

EDUC 525The Higher Education Organization 13
EDUC 530Student Affairs & Experiences in Higher Education 23
EDUC 535Legal and Ethical Issues in Higher Education 33
EDUC 540Leading Operations, Change and Assessment in Higher Education 43
Total Credits12

 In place of EDLD 802.


 In place of EDLD 810.


 In place of EDLD 809.


 In place of EDLD 811.


EDLD 800 Strategic Management, Organizational and Moral Leadership Behavior in a Culture of Learning 3 Credits

This course will challenge students to embrace a system view of leadership and organizational change at the organizational level. Students will compare, contrast and critique theories and models of organizational learning, knowledge creation, and organizational capacity building and apply them to their own organizational settings. The course will focus on three leadership standards: instructional leadership, operational and managerial leadership, and professional culture. While the course will focus on conceptual frameworks and theory, it is a practice-based course. The course will enhance student ability to think systematically and develop comprehensive understanding of core competencies required to lead, initiate and sustain change in organizations. It investigates process and content issues of team building, interpersonal and group relations, and effective problem solving and decision making skills in collaborative environments. The course emphasizes the moral, ethical and social responsibilities of organizational leaders, as well as the application of principles to organizaitonal leadership behavior and decision-making. Students will also investigate current research trends regarding ethical issues in education and other organizational contexts.

Prerequisite(s): Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 801 Action Research: Principles and Methods 3 Credits

This course provides an introduction to action research, with emphasis on its application in educational settings. The course covers definitions and purposes of action research. Students will explore theoretical, methodological, and ethical issues pertinent to action research. During the course, students will engage in an action research project in an educational setting.

Prerequisite(s): Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 802 Educational Change, Systemic Reform, Exercising the Politics of Change 3 Credits

This course will provide students with the skills necessary to achieve educational reform and improvement while navigating the political environment within educational institutions. Through this course, students will analyze various theories and how these ideas apply to education, organizations, change, and leadership.

Prerequisite(s): Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 803 Instructional Leadership and Educational Reform 3 Credits

Through this course, students will examine contemporary educational practices and their relationship to leadership theories, models, and strategies. Participants will investigate research based instructional practices and develop the skills necessary to identify issues within organizations in suburban and urban settings. The course will provide students with a deep knowledge of the educational challenges faced by educational leaders in today's society. The focus will be on learning a successful organization through the implementation of research based strategies.

Prerequisite(s): Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 804 Community Building and Sustaining Community Partnerships 3 Credits

Drawing on philosophies/theories, processes, and practices that build and sustain effective school-community partnerships, this course addresses the identification and utilization of community resources and the development of effective intra- and inter-organizational strategies, community linkages, and collaborative efforts necessary to provide for the holistic needs of students and families. Special attention is focused on the role of school leaders in planning and implementing community-wide and building level communications and involvement networks, through the development of practical action learning sets and tools. Building Commitment: How do leaders build and use public awareness and commitment to support their schools?

Prerequisite(s): Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 805 Valuing Diversity/Equity: Developing and Fostering a Community of Learners 3 Credits

The focus of the course is academic excellence with equity. The value orientation of the course is toward high-quality developmental outcomes for youth of all racial, ethnic, and social class backgrounds. With an emphasis on students of color and youth from less-advantaged families, the course explores several policy and strategic responses to achievement disparity: identify and work to remove key structural barriers to educational equity; excellence with equity goals; design more effective policies and practices to improve the quality of teaching; support families with ideas and practices for parenting children more effectively; engage youth to reshape their culture of achievement to align with their most positive values. The course explores theories, evidence, designs, methods, and mechanisms associated raising achievement and closing gaps.

Prerequisite(s): Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 806 Research Proposal Development 3 Credits

This course builds on the action research course to more clearly define the rationale and procedures of educational and social science research. The course is designed for our first -year doctoral students. Topics will include the nature and purpose of research, planning and conducting research, critiquing and evaluation rsearch, sampling, survey and experimental design, evaluation research, naturalistic observationand inquiry, measurement and methods of data collection, ethics, and the use of computers in data analysis. Methods are considered for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. Students will build on prior project ideas, concepts, and research practice to more fully develop into their Dissertation of Practice topic. This course has two objectives: to increase participants' knowledge of methods for making causal inferences in quantitative research, and to provide participants with a forum for presenting and receiving feedback on their research topic for the Dissertation of Practice.

Prerequisite: Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 807 Law and Policy 3 Credits

This course explores legal, ethical and political issues governing PreK-12 education in America and the legal responsibilities and powers of state and local governing bodies and individuals that arise in elementary and secondary schools. Emphasis is given to federal and state statutes and case law affecting due process, liability, equal protection, and the rights of teachers and students in order to better understand the risks in education management and possible strategies to reduce those risks. The course will explore evolving legal standards on a variety of issues. The course will draw on real cases and legal/policy dilemmas that practitioners face, and focus on preventive law - providing current and future school learners with knowledge and skills they will need to make sound decisions, advance important educational objectives, and minimize legal problems.

Prerequisite: Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 808 Generating, Using, and Assessing Data Accountability and Student Assessment 3 Credits

This course will develop the skills necessary for educational leaders to identify and define problems, implement data collection methods, and analyze, interpret, and report data across multiple levels from the individual student to the larger system. Students will gain the knowledge and skills to use data in decision making within a problem solving framework that enables evaluation of instructional programs and practices. Within this course, students will engage in activities designed to enhance skills in data-based decision making, including: large and small group discussion; review of the extant literature base; review and use of different technologies and statistical methods for data collection and analyses; case studies and simulated data analyses; and application of skills in real world settings. Attainment of these skills will prepare the student for the dissertation process to serve as an instructional leader in the field. The course references and aligns with state adopted core curriculum content standards and professional development standards, the Standards for Schools Leaders of the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium, and the candidate proficiencies developed by the Educational Leadership Constituent Council.

Prerequisite: Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 809 Finance, Fundraising and Fiscal Management 3 Credits

Financial and managerial leadership of a school building or district is a primary factor in the success or failure of school instructional programs. This course provides an opportunity for public and private school practicing and prospective administrators to gain an understanding of their role in these critical areas. Providing the resources to fund academics/instruction/athletics, facilities and capital projects is a focus of this course. A comprehensive understanding of the financial implications of systemic reform, centralized goal setting, accountability standards, and decentralized forms of site-based management, school choice, and charter schools will be a focus of study. This course will also provide a comprehensive overview of fund raising. Students are provided with an ethical foundation and are introduced to basic terminology and concepts in the field. Various fund raising vehicles are surveyed and participants learn to apply fund raising strategies that are appropriate to their organizational setting.

Prerequisite: Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 810 Curriculum Leadership: Transforming Teachers/Developing Teacher Talent 3 Credits

This course will focus on the complex nature of teaching and learning and provide participants with the skills necessary to guide instructional practice. Adult learning theory will be examined as will curriculum theories, instructional practices, professional development, and human capital.

Prerequisite: Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 811 Innovation and the Use of Educational Technology 3 Credits

This course addresses the intersection of organizational change and educational technology. Students will develop a philosophy of educational technology and explore related issues in policy, diversity, ethics, and evaluation. The course also covers research and theory on organizational change and processes for developing a culture of innovation. Students will apply theories of organizational change to the implementation and use of technology in educational contexts.

Prerequisite: Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 812 Leading Programs for Diverse Learners and At Risk Students 3 Credits

This course examines some of the best practices for supporting diverse learners and at-risk students and some of the reasons behind the intrinsic and bureaucratic/policy barriers that may hinder their success. Schools are faced with an increasing number of diverse learners and at-risk students who require additional academic, social and/or medical supports for them to achieve success. This course will examine the root causes that may hinder student success and some of the programs and approaches that have proved successful in meeting their needs.

Prerequisite: Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 813 Dissertation of Practice I 3 Credits

The Dissertation in Practice is a scholarly endeavor that impacts a complex problem of practice. This research is a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a community of practice to improve the way they address issues and solve problems, The research involves the process of actively participating in an organization change situation while conducting research.

Prerequisite: Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 814 Dissertation of Practice II 3 Credits

The Dissertation in Practice is a scholarly endeavor that impacts a complex problem of practice. This research is a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a community of practice to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. The research involves the process of actively participating in an organization change situation while conducting research. This course is a continuation of Dissertation of Practice I.

Prerequisite(s): Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 815 Dissertation of Practice III 3 Credits

The Dissertation in Practice is a scholarly endeavor that impacts a complex problem of practice. This research is a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a community of practice to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. The research involves the process of actively participating in an organization change situation while conducting research. This course is a continuation of Dissertation of Practice II.

Prerequisite(s): Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDLD 816 Dissertation of Practice IV 3 Credits

The Dissertation in Practice is a scholarly endeavor that impacts a complex problem of practice. This research is a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a community of practice to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. The research involves the process of actively participating in an organization change situation while conducting research. This course is a continuation of Dissertation of Practice III.

Prerequisite(s): Master's Degree and Permission of the Program Director.

EDUC 525 The Higher Education Organization 3 Credits

This course allows students to gain perspective on the historical and societal context of higher education in America and the organizational structures, functions, behaviors, and cultures that exist within institutions.

EDUC 530 Student Affairs & Experiences in Higher Education 3 Credits

This course will highlight how individuals access higher education and how that education affects students’ development via programs, services and interventions designed to promote student growth. The course will explore multiple dimensions of the student experience and how student development theory is used to understand and enhance those experiences. Students will also explore student affairs organizational structures and functions common in colleges and universities.

EDUC 535 Legal and Ethical Issues in Higher Education 3 Credits

This course discusses the fundamentals of American law that directly and indirectly affect the environment of higher-education. Students will use diverse sources of law to understand the many different ways laws, code and common law affect the life of an higher education administrator. Ethical issues will be explored in relationship to critical issues in higher education such as admissions, affirmative action, dismissal procedures, academic honesty, and student loans.

EDUC 540 Leading Operations, Change and Assessment in Higher Education 3 Credits

In this course, students will gain an understanding of the daily and long-term operational challenges colleges and universities face. The course intends to cultivate a strategic mindset about higher education organizations and a recognition that institutions exist in a competitive environment that require them to change in order to survive.