Online Master of Science in Information Systems

Online Master of Science in Information Systems Requirements

(30 credits)

Required Business Core6
Information Technology Management
Operations & Supply Chain Management
Required Information Systems Core18
Information Security for the Enterprise
Project Management
Applied Data Management for Business Users
Business Analysis and Design
Design Thinking and Innovation
Digital Futures
Elective Courses6
Select two of the following:
Mkt Analysis & Decision Making
Advanced Organizational Behavior
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Management
Business Intelligence Tech-Data Mining
Globalization and Technology
Application Development for the Web
Business Analytics Fundamentals
Visual Analytics
Data-Driven Strategies for Business
Total Credits30

Foundation Curriculum

(6 credits)

This section applies to students with a non-business undergraduate degree or those who have outdated course work that does not meet the waiver requirements.

Foundation Curriculum 1
PMBA 8010Information Technology Proficiency1.5
PMBA 8051Fundamentals of Statistical Analysis3
PMBA 8052Models and Methods of Operations Management1.5
Total Credits6

Students must earn a minimum grade of B in each foundation course.

MS in Information Systems –Waiver of Foundation Courses

A waiver of a course from foundation requirements may be granted under the following conditions:

I) PMBA foundation class is waived based on previous undergraduate coursework if:

  • Student has taken the equivalent course less than six years ago and received a grade of B or above. 
  • Student has taken the equivalent course more than six years ago and received a grade of B or above and utilizes the knowledge in their professional position on a regular basis, as determined by the Dean's Office.

II) PMBA foundation class is waived upon the proficiency assessment or successful completion of a review short-course if:

  • Student has taken the equivalent course less than six years ago and received a grade of B- or C+. 
  • Student has taken the equivalent course more than six years ago and received a grade of B or better.
  • Student has taken the equivalent course more than six years ago and received a grade of B- or C+ and utilizes that specific knowledge in their professional position on a regular basis, as determined by the Dean's Office.

III) PMBA foundation class must be taken if:

  • Student has never taken the undergraduate equivalent class.
  • Student received below a C+ in the class, regardless of when it was taken. 

In all cases, the comparable undergraduate courses must have been taken from an accredited school. 

If a student is granted a waiver for any foundation requirements, the student is responsible for a satisfactory level of competency with the representative material. If necessary, the student should review and/or seek tutoring support for the waived material in preparation for advanced courses. Any appeal of a waiver decision based on previous course work must be made to the Dean's Office within the first semester of the program.

Courses and Descriptions

PMBA 8210 Information Technology Management 3 Credits

This course introduces the theory and practice of Information and Communication technologies deployment in organizations. This includes planning, analysis, design, and implementation of computer-based management information systems (MIS). The course emphasizes an understanding of emergent cutting-edge technological phenomena and the effect of information systems on the practice of management.

PMBA 8250 Operations & Supply Chain Management 3 Credits

This course provides MBA students with the current knowledge and practice of operations and global supply chain management. Supply chain management has become one of the most important and talked about topics in business in recent years. Many companies have realized that they can reduce their costs, increase profits, and increase customer satisfaction by improving their supply chain practices. It is also evident that most supply chains extend beyond the borders on the U.S., and consequently, have global components and challenges. This course is designed to prepare students to meet operations and supply chain related challenges in their careers.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of PMBA 8051 and 8052.

PMBA 8260 Mkt Analysis & Decision Making 3 Credits

The purpose of the course is to provide the analytical skills required to understand complex marketing situations in order to develop and implement appropriate marketing strategies. The decision-making processes in the management of product planning, pricing practices, selection of channels of distribution and development of effective promotion programs are investigated. This involves identification and selection of appropriate target markets, the effective use of marketing research and recognition of organizational dynamics. The case approach is used to develop communication skills and further build team skills as students interact with peers in solving problems.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8060.

PMBA 8270 Advanced Organizational Behavior 3 Credits

A study of key individual, group, and organizational processes. At the individual level, the focus is on different personalities, job attitudes, and work motivation. The implication of individual factors is then considered in a team context focusing on the processes of communication, influence, conflict, and leadership. Finally, we examine the impact of organizational culture and change on workplace behavior. In order to integrate the individual, group, and organizational levels of study, the course emphasizes a team-based approach to learning.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8070.

PMBA 8290 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Management 3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to prepare students to meet the legal, ethical, and regulatory challenges and opportunities they will encounter as they conduct business as managers and entrepreneurs. To excel, managers and entrepreneurs must recognize that the law is important to firm success and that they must always consider the legal ramifications of their business decisions. Students will learn how to identify legal and ethical issues before they become legal problems and how to communicate and work collaboratively with legal counsel. The course begins with an overview of business ethics and social responsibility and goes on to cover the U.S. court system and the laws of contracts, torts, and intellectual property. The course covers corporate governance issues including the fiduciary duties of officers, directors, and controlling shareholders, public and private offerings of securities, and securities fraud. Environmental regulation, product quality, legal aspects of the employment relationship (as they relate to the liability of the corporation and managers for the acts of their employees), wrongful termination, discrimination, and sexual harassment will also be covered.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8311 Information Security for the Enterprise 3 Credits

This course will teach students how businesses can implement security policies which will protect their significant investment in computer systems. The course topics include but are not limited to security attacks, attack prevention and mediation and security audits. Security devices, firewalls, PC and server security, authentication methods and procedures, and network security will all be discussed. The course will be delivered through a combination of hands-on labs where students will evaluate and implement computer security on computers, and class lectures.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8210.

PMBA 8312 Business Intelligence Tech-Data Mining 3 Credits

In this course, students will learn to solve problems/exploit opportunities by processing datasets, interpreting results, and deploying solutions. This course provides hands-on experience with these tasks. Upon this base of experience, students will build a robust data mining methodology that can be applied to real-world investigations. The course of study will include Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), statistical and machine learning techniques, and unstructured text analysis. Students will learn to apply these techniques through the study of payroll, procurement, and expense report fraud. Cell phone and credit card fraud, credit and bankruptcy analysis, and customer relationship management will also be covered.

PMBA 8313 Electronic Commerce 3 Credits

Electronic commerce involves the use of information technology to improve, enhance, simplify or enable business transactions. This course examines such business, social, and technical issues of electronic commerce as the technology of the Internet, effective system strategies to attract and maintain customers, security, and electronic payment systems.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8314 Project Management 3 Credits

In our complex world of global economies and pervasive technology, change is constant. It is a persistent challenge to manage this change. It is the body of knowledge that is project management that helps managers address this change. This course will introduce students to project management for a variety of disciplines. The methods and techniques taught will be applicable not only to software development, but to any series of tasks that could constitute a project. The course content will cover the identification, approval, and management of complex projects. Various project management tools, techniques, and approaches will be covered.

PMBA 8315 Globalization and Technology 3 Credits

The emergence and growth of the global economy constitutes an epochal shift in the organization of the world. Technology has been a key component in the production and acceleration of these phenomena. This course introduces students to the latest theoretical and empirical literature on globalization as shaped by technology.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses.

PMBA 8316 Application Development for the Web 3 Credits

This class will examine application development for the Web platform in detail. Through a combination of lecture and labs, students will learn the architecture of Web applications and the skills needed to develop applications using that architecture. Specific skills learned include programming with the JavaScript programming language, creating Web pages using the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Other skills learned in this course include how to create user-friendly user interfaces, and how to retrieve and update information stored on computer servers.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8210.

PMBA 8317 Applied Data Management for Business Users 3 Credits

Learn the benefits of data sharing in a business organization , the benefits of the relational database model, how data is structured in a relational database model, and how data can be accessed in a relational database using the structured query language (SQL). The process of formatting, loading, and accessing data for data analytics will be shown as well as the interaction with data warehouse schemas such as the star schema and snowflake scheme.

PMBA 8318 Business Analysis and Design 3 Credits

This course will integrate the skills of business analysis with those of system design. Students will learn a dynamic visioning/planning process which will guide the development of a technology architecture model for the business enterprise. Students will learn requirements elicitation techniques and use cases. Design methods such as object modeling and prototyping and data modeling with enterprise relationship diagrams will also be covered.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8210.

PMBA 8351 Business Analytics Fundamentals 3 Credits

This course introduces (i) data analysis tools that are appropriate for generating useful information for decision-making and (ii) a framework for analyzing decisions based on partial information. Examples from financial analysis, marketing, and operations management are used to illustrate applications of the topics covered. Microsoft Excel and associated add-ins are used for the purpose of analysis. Students who have earned credits for CIS 350 or equivalent cannot take PMBA 8351 for credit.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8051.

PMBA 8352 Design Thinking and Innovation 3 Credits

This graduate course on Design Thinking and Innovation provides students with a framework for dealing with unstructured problems, and for managing the innovation process. This course introduces students to design thinking as a systematic approach to innovation, but also guide students through the process to identify and translate broadly defined opportunities into actionable innovation possibilities. Students who have earned credits for CIS 388 or equivalent cannot take PMBA 8352 for credit.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8210.

PMBA 8353 Digital Futures 3 Credits

This course is a holistic course drawing on all areas of Information Technology. It leverages the in-depth understanding of Technology that MSIS students possess and transforms such knowledge into a new skill set of strategic leadership development at the level of the firm, economy and society. It will enable the student to assess and respond to challenges in their current work environment as well as develop strategic leadership capacity going into the future. Case studies and readings will familiarize students with literature on rapid technology-led transformations such as Schumpeterian theories of ‘creative destruction’ and derivative theories of technological restructuring at the scale of an industry such as disruptive technology/innovation. Students will be engaged in a discussion of multi-firm cases of strategic innovation and will examine policy decisions by the firm and various ethical dilemmas engendered by technological changes of the last four decades.

Prerequisites: PMBA 8210.

PMBA 8355 Visual Analytics 3 Credits

This graduate course will equip the students with the fundamental skills to perform visual analytics with Tableau. Specifically, students will learn how to prepare a dataset for visual analysis, and how to “tell a good story” using basic and advanced visualizations. At the completion of this course, students will be able to apply best visualization practices and create effective visualizations to convey analytical insights to a business audience. Students who have earned credits for BDA 205 or equivalent cannot take PMBA 8355 for credit.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8351.

PMBA 8358 Data-Driven Strategies for Business 3 Credits

In this course, several real-world business problems will be presented as case studies for the application of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Relevant business areas for these problems include online recommendations, healthcare, sports management, marketing, and revenue management. Through these business case studies, students will (1) define a real-world problem in the context of business analytics (2) develop hands-on experience on implementing analytics methodologies (3) learn to derive and communicate insights from analytics results and (4) practice the formulation of data-driven strategies.

Prerequisite(s): PMBA 8051, PMBA 8351.

PMBA 8905 Internship 1-3 Credits

In order to supplement in-class learning with practical training, an internship may be taken for up to three elective credits. The internship may not be performed at a student’s current employer. An internship may only be taken if the student has been enrolled for at least one full academic year and, during the semester they receive credit for the internship, the student is taking at least three graduate-level classes (including the internship course). The course will be supervised by a full-time faculty member and will follow a structure similar to that of an independent study. Course grades will be determined by evaluations from the student's on-site supervisor, as well as the sponsoring faculty member.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MBA pre-program courses and permission of the Dean.